Everyone has a different body SHAPE, so you kind of have to figure out not only what works best for your body type, but what also makes you feel CONFIDENT. Even if everyone thinks you look good in a BIKINI, and you don't feel good in it, you're not going to be at your best. If you feel great in a bikini, you can ALWAYS work it.

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I'm a people lover. I LOVE interacting with DIFFERENT people as I meet them, and I THINK people are one of God's GREATEST creations, I really do. They're interesting and INTRIGUING.

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I wanted to SEPARATE data from programs, because data and INSTRUCTIONS are very DIFFERENT.

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I am always a BEGINNER. I only try to include DIFFERENT PARTS of LIFE; the pastoral, the tragic, et cetera.

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You can use martial arts to TELL a different STORY. Ang Lee used martial arts in 'Crouching TIGER, HIDDEN Dragon' to TALK about love.

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Being able to swing in and HOST the 'Today' SHOW when they call me, it certainly is a NEW experience that I have a lot of fun with, and it's different than being in the MIDDLE of the ring in 'Monday NIGHT Raw.'

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I LOVE touring in the UNITED STATES. It's dramatically different wherever you GO. North to south, you're going from snow to palm trees.

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I love conversation and the sharing of DIFFERENT thoughts and philosophies. That KIND of stuff always makes me happy. I don't mind interviews, either - I LIKE doing them.

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There is no such thing as BAD weather, only DIFFERENT kinds of GOOD weather.

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I enjoyed my time in Utah. It was a different AREA to what I was used to. The people there were very nice and it was a GREAT organization and city. I have only good THINGS to SAY about Utah.

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People create from different places. Some love to create from a tortured place, some from a JOYFUL place. And when I feel like I'm a 5-year-old kid in my BACKYARD playing PRETEND, that's when I'm HAPPIEST.

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DIFFERENT PEOPLE have different OPINIONS, and it's OKAY to RESPECT all of them.

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There are two DIFFERENT things: there's grilling, and there's barbecue. Grilling is when PEOPLE SAY, 'We're going to turn up the HEAT, make it really hot and sear a steak, sear a burger, cook a chicken.' Barbecue is going LOW and slow.

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People TEND to associate fairies with PRINCESSES, but they couldn't be more different. Princesses have dynastic and domestic pressures, and they get parked on glass hills. Fairies don't have families. They don't clean or cook. They sip nectar from flowers and DANCE by the light of the moon.

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I navigate different cultures daily, and I understand how PEOPLE can make FALSE ASSUMPTIONS because of their lack of interaction with the cultures I FIND myself in. But if they don't frequent these spaces much, how can they rush to JUDGMENT?

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