The BEST place to FIND GOD is in a garden. You can DIG for him there.

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I love MOVIES. And I dig a great love STORY: the kind that wrecks me, then builds me back up and LEAVES me INSPIRED. I write what I WANT to see.

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If the COUNTRY is going to be GREAT, everybody has a GIFT, and I tell every child I meet, whether they have asked me or not, 'You have greatness inside you, and your job is to figure out what that is, dig it out, and give it to the world. Because the world NEEDS EVERYTHING, every one of you.'

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I'm not about to talk about what's ROMANTIC in my life - I FIGURE if you talk about it once - then that's an open invitation for EVERYONE to dig into your PERSONAL life EVEN further.

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To me, a critic is someone who gets paid for their OPINION, and they're entitled to that opinion but I don't really put a LOT of stock into their opinion. I'm going to cut the KIND of records and the kind of songs that I like, and the kind of things that I enjoy doing. If critics dig it, that's fine, if they don't, that's fine.

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I don't dig TRUMP or FOLLOW what he has to say, but I find it fascinating that he's surfaced in the political arena. But I'm a Hillary supporter, and I don't GO the Trump WAY.

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I had this IDEA that I could HIRE myself out as a person to go on archeological digs and dig, without any TRAINING! I actually WROTE to a number of archeology departments and offered up my services.

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I wasn't a kid who WANTED to be a WRITER. I wanted to be a doctor. I was kind of morbid. I was REALLY into the body and how it could go wrong. I wanted to DIG up bodies from the GRAVEYARD.

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The kind of ROLE I play is LIKE an offensive lineman; doing a good job but not being NOTICED. I feel SORRY for myself sometimes. But as LONG as the end result is there, I can dig it.

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I TAKE pride in the fact that a LOT of LITTLE kids dig what I do.

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What it really comes down to, especially in METAL, is that the bass needs to CUT through, so you go to the pick for that effect. But when you have a certain feel about the MUSIC and really DIG in to get a big growl, you have to go with the fingers, because you're not GOING to get it with a pick.

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When you have to spread heroism ACROSS too MANY PLAYERS, you don't get to really dig DEEP into each of them as much as you'd WANT to.

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So I had to just kind of go back to the hotel, take a shower, sit quiet, DIG down deep, WARM up, and allow myself to MOVE into some kind of ZONE. And then I remembered that a lot of my favorite musical moments are not about perfection.

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I would just say KEEP people around you that you can REALLY trust. You can't let EVERYONE dig in your pot of GOLD.

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