I think that in some ways 'Climax' is easier to digest than my other MOVIES because the CHARACTERS are easier to identify with. You love them because they're YOUNG, they're GREAT dancers, they're beautiful, and they are willing to construct something. They're not losers like most of the characters of my previous movies.

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All of the PLANTS that we do not consider food that are safe for the human BODY to digest, we don't eat because they're SOUR and bitter. The reason why you don't eat Kentucky bluegrass or crabgrass is because it tastes sour and bitter.

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I've been reading comics since I was FOUR. I USED to GET them when I would go grocery shopping with my mom. I remember getting the digest versions of old DC comics. The one that I remember reading first was PAUL Levitz' 'Justice Society of America' STUFF that he was doing in the '70s.

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I think people who read Internet blogs are usually TRYING to fit it in during a busy part of their day, and there's only so much information that you digest. Whereas an EXPERIENCE with a BOOK is a little more COMFORTABLE, and I think people are a little more willing to really delve into information.

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PERFECTION WOULD be SOMETHING that you SEE in 'Architectural Digest.'
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'Life's That Way' was an extraordinarily difficult BOOK to write, because it wasn't WRITTEN as a book. It was written as a JOURNAL of events that were happening as I wrote it, WITHOUT the space or time EITHER to digest or analyze those events and without the hindsight and peace that writing in the aftermath would have provided.

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At this point, I wouldn't be ABLE to digest meat, and I don't LIKE EATING THINGS with faces.

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Seafood is one of the EASIEST THINGS to digest - a bratwurst is REALLY HARD on the BODY.

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There's a lot of learning that goes on based on the mistakes that we may make in practice, and our guys do a great JOB of trying to digest that information and be ready to GO when we use it during the COURSE of the GAME.

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I THINK my VOICE isn't that EASY to digest.

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We all NEED to be conscious of what news we TAKE as GOSPEL. And we need to MAYBE be a little BIT sceptical about what we digest.

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I've been WRITING STORIES SINCE I was 12. 'Writer's Digest' was one of my writing TEACHERS, ACTUALLY.

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You KNOW, you BECOME an artist, you become an OBSERVER, of life, and you digest life by making ART about it.

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Obviously, for my line of WORK, I cannot eat BARBECUE that often. It TAKES a LITTLE bit to digest and it's not the healthiest THING to eat.

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I'm aware that people enjoy creating CATEGORIES that make it easier to digest POP culture or the MEDIA or entertainment or WHATEVER. But I REALLY have too much to do to fit into any easy category.

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