I knew I was gay at 18, but to come out then would have MEANT I would not have ACHIEVED what I did in RUGBY. I loved rugby so much and it was so important to me that I made the decision to keep my sexuality secret. People may disagree with that, but it was my BELIEF and my decision.

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People don't have to AGREE with me. They can SAY, 'My gosh, I can't BELIEVE I'm LISTENING to this guy. I can't disagree with him more.' But at least they know that I'm going to fight for things that I believe in. And I don't need to be in formal OFFICE to do that.

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If you DISAGREE with me, FINE! Because that's the GREAT THING about AMERICA, we can disagree!

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I think it's important to UNDERSTAND PEOPLE can disagree on things, and STILL move forward.

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I absolutely DISAGREE that it was an ILLEGAL annexation: a referendum was HELD, and residents of Crimea chose to rejoin RUSSIA.

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What we will do is we'll say, 'Okay, you have your page, and if you're not trying to ORGANIZE harm against someone, or attacking someone, then you can put up that content on your page, even if people might disagree with it or find it offensive.' But that doesn't mean that we have a RESPONSIBILITY to MAKE it widely distributed in News FEED.

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I BELIEVE we all have the capacity to be masters of many things, and there's nothing that we can't do. You can be a great actor and also be a great WRITER. There's so many things that all of us have the capacity to do. But SOMEHOW, LIFE TRIES to convince us that we'd be lucky to do even one thing well, and I disagree.

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I have known several presidents quite well, including my HUSBAND, and I worked closely with President GEORGE W. Bush and the WHITE HOUSE then after 9/11, and I served with President Obama. I DISAGREE with all three of those presidents on certain things.

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Some CRITICS argue that a tsunami of hogwash has already rendered the WEB USELESS. I disagree. We are indeed inundated by online noise pollution, but the problem is soluble.

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People ask me, do I EVER DISAGREE with my father? It WOULD be a little STRANGE if I didn't.

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When you're GOVERNOR, you've GOT to step up to the plate; you've got to MAKE a proposal for a BALANCED budget. That's the requirement. And then you've got to sit down and negotiate if the folks that you need to work with DISAGREE with you on points.

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At a person-to-person level, I think that there's always something to be said for having some EMPATHY for the folks who really, really disagree with you about a GIVEN topic.

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We watch our sons go to war, DISAGREE with the rationale for sending them, LOATHE the men who ORDERED them to battle, and then, when the veterans come HOME, beg and plead with the local V.A. to ensure they have access to proper care.

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Sikhs were considered the champions of fairness, uplifting people, protecting and DEFENDING human rights. Defending EQUALITY. So when someone sees a Sikh, the turban identifies a PERSON who's going to stand up for rights, EVEN if you disagree with them. The turban is supposed to be a beacon. That someone who is going to HELP you out.

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One great LESSON that I would just pass along to EVERY YOUNG person out there or ANYBODY that feels that they can handle everything by themselves, that feels all they need is themselves, their sheer will and their confidence, I would disagree with that.

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