I SEE myself CAPABLE of arrogance and BRUTALITY... That's a fierce thing, to discover WITHIN yourself that which you despise the most in OTHERS.

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The READER of these MEMOIRS will discover that I NEVER had any fixed aim before my eyes, and that my SYSTEM, if it can be called a system, has been to glide away unconcernedly on the stream of life, trusting to the wind wherever it LED.

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No SOONER does MAN DISCOVER intelligence than he tries to involve it in his own STUPIDITY.

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I don't think you can approach any piece of art with BOUNDARIES or rules. I think RESPECT is a very important THING, but I ALSO think what we discover along the way is really important.

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Christopher COLUMBUS, as everyone knows, is honored by POSTERITY because he was the last to DISCOVER America.

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Try not to GET LOST in comparing yourself to OTHERS. Discover your gifts and let them shine! Softball is amazing that WAY as a sport. Everyone on the field has a slightly different ability that makes them perfect for their POSITION.

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I don't like IRONY and sarcasm very much. But I do like it when you think SOMEONE is TELLING you a joke, and then you discover it's serious.

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I always liked it when people go BACK in time to discover things about themselves, like with 'A CHRISTMAS Carol' and you're GETTING a tour of your life by the ghosts of Christmas PAST, PRESENT and future.

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We were all on this ship in the sixties, our GENERATION, a ship GOING to DISCOVER the NEW WORLD. And the Beatles were in the crow's nest of that ship.

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It is of no use to discover our own FAULTS and infirmities UNLESS the DISCOVERY prompts up to AMENDMENT.

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It's an INTERESTING THING when you discover something about yourself. To go: 'Wow, I'm not the PERSON I thought I was. I'm in the MIDDLE of something and I can't ACTUALLY deal with it.'

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No matter how happily a WOMAN MAY be married, it always PLEASES her to discover that there is a nice MAN who wishes that she were not.

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The CAT is classic whilst the DOG is GOTHIC - nowhere in the animal world can we discover such REALLY Hellenic perfection of form, with anatomy adapted to function, as in the felidae.

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WHATEVER your ETHNICITY is, in this life you are going to be on a journey to DISCOVER who you are and how you feel about yourself.

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Mulan represents HONOUR and bravery, but, for me, it's also that she's WILLING to discover herself and willing to go FORWARD. I think that's important to AUDIENCES too. Not MANY people would be willing to do that in the first place.

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