I am in DISCUSSIONS with a LABEL. We are TALKING about doing SOMETHING.

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Back in the day, fans wrote letters to GROUPS - you'd GET them, although it could take a while. Now, artists can go online and there's DISCUSSIONS about what you should and shouldn't be doing. The minute you announce that you're RECORDING an ALBUM, thousands of people are telling you what that album should be.

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Allowing for endless legal challenges or partisan political DISCUSSIONS is not the proper WAY to handle an issue that affects the entire SCOPE of the ENVIRONMENT and the ECONOMY.

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My interests were aroused, and my faith in the CLICHES of the subject destroyed, as so OFTEN with other subjects, by the discussions with my FRIEND, Aaron Director.

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The LAST MONTHS, weeks and days have seen accelerating discussions, involving the DUP for the first TIME, about a comprehensive agreement which would SEE all outstanding matters dealt with and the Good Friday Agreement implemented in FULL.

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I submit that in the few minutes that JOSEPH Smith was with the Father and the Son, he learned more of the NATURE of GOD the Eternal Father and the risen Lord than all the learned minds in all their discussions through all centuries of time.

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There's no such thing as the contemporary novel. Before I seem the complete reactionary, let me ADD that I've happily JOINED in many discussions about 'the contemporary novel' where what that usually, unproblematically means is novels that have appeared recently or may APPEAR SOON.

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I think the understanding of the role of markets has really helped advance the VALUES of ENTREPRENEURSHIP. It's helped shape public POLICY discussions in a whole VARIETY of ways.

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I am more and more convinced that LITERATURE is MADE up of works, genres, schools, discussions, problems, COLLECTIVE work in ORDER to SOLVE certain problems.

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I was BORN behind the Iron Curtain, and I remember heated DISCUSSIONS about large-scale terra-forming projects, such as reversing the DIRECTION of the river Ob or putting up large reflectors into space to heat up Siberia.

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My dad TEACHES film and has done for 40 years, so I've really GROWN up in a MOVIE household. All the walls are covered in movie posters, and MANY of the evening meals at 7:30 revolved around film DISCUSSIONS.

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Chicago is an exciting place which renews itself. The workshop system encourages CLOSE READING and FRANK discussions of PAPERS and ideas.

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DISCUSSIONS of HEALTH CARE in the U.S. usually focus on insurance companies, but, whatever their problems, they're not the MAIN driver of health-care INFLATION: providers are.
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It's so funny because a lot of TIMES we'll have these discussions as WRITERS, and you feel like you're having a DISCUSSION with your wife: 'I don't KNOW. Are they ready to have another baby? Is it time? Well, she's not getting any younger.'

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I like VISITING the parliament, LISTENING to the discussions and raising questions. It's a stimulating environment and it OPENS your WORLD view.

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