Results are a consequence of doing THINGS WELL and having HIGH standards, improving the detail of how we play.

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I'll tell you one THING for SURE: once you get to the point where you're ACTUALLY doing things for truth's sake, then NOBODY can ever touch you again because you're harmonizing with a GREATER power.

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I REALLY like doing portraits, but I like TAKING PICTURES of THINGS that are NATURAL, like scenery, too.

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If I KNEW for a certainty that a man was COMING to my house with the conscious DESIGN of doing me good, I should run for my LIFE.

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You've gotta believe in yourself, and you just have to WORK harder at it than you've ever worked at ANYTHING before in your LIFE. And if you keep doing that and keep believing in yourself, great things do HAPPEN.

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I never, ever GREW up as a YOUNG woman believing that my GENDER WOULD stand in the WAY of doing anything I wanted.

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If EVERYBODY LOVES you, you must be doing something wrong. It means there's no button being pushed... The only way that everybody loves you is TOWARD the END of your career.

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As long as you're not HURTING anybody else, as long as you're being kind to people and you're doing what you LOVE, only GOOD THINGS can come of it.

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If you're COMPETITOR-focused, you have to WAIT until there is a competitor doing SOMETHING. Being customer-focused allows you to be more PIONEERING.

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I hate - I hate - queens coming on and doing BOY drag on 'RuPaul's Drag RACE' because I feel LIKE it's not EDGY; it's not DIFFERENT. You can see it anywhere.

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Interestingly, I matured as a musician and as an ARTIST before I matured as a man. What I mean by that is, I was READY to be completely vulnerable and honest with myself and unapologetic when it comes to how I EXPRESS myself in my MEDIUM. But I wasn't as secure in doing that when it came to just being myself.

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For the past few years, I was the more visible ASIAN performer, and I think it GAVE young girls a KIND of role MODEL showing it's possible to actually reach SUCCESS doing movies.

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I was doing commentary for the BBC and had EXHIBITION work but if you're not winning you are not EARNING as MUCH. And when you're seen as a successful sportsman, people assume you're earning a good living. There was pressure on me to have the newest car, a more expensive holiday. It was all about KEEPING up APPEARANCES.

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When your SOUL is resting, your EMOTIONS are OKAY, your MIND is okay, and your will is at peace with God, not resisting what He's doing.

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I think PEOPLE who are creative are the luckiest people on earth. I KNOW that there are no shortcuts, but you MUST keep your faith in something Greater than You, and keep doing what you love. Do what you love, and you will find the WAY to get it out to the world.

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