Follow me AROUND. I don't care. If anybody WANTS to put a tail on me, GO AHEAD. They'd be very bored.

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I don't like to share my PERSONAL LIFE... it wouldn't be personal if I shared it.

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I don't TALK about MONEY.

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TEXTING is a fundamentally sneaky FORM of COMMUNICATION, which we should DESPISE, but it is such a boon we don't CARE. We are all sneaks now.
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SWEAT EQUITY is the BEST equity.
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I don't CARE if I don't ACT ANYMORE.

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You NEED fans in high places, I always tell PEOPLE. I don't CARE how TALENTED you are.

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Marriage is an ongoing THING, man. You CONTINUE to work at it. But it's JOYFUL. And joyous. I don't care if people are LIVING without a marriage certificate. It's just about people, in some way, saying to each other, 'I commit to you. I will HELP you in this life.'

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I don't CARE what I do - ACT, stand-up, WRITE, direct - it doesn't MATTER as LONG as I'm being creative and it's good work.

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My parents didn't WANT to move to FLORIDA, but they TURNED sixty and that's the law.

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As long as my face is on PAGE one, I don't CARE what they SAY about me on page SEVENTEEN.

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I don't care if PEOPLE THINK I am an overactor, as LONG as they enjoy what I do. People who think that WOULD call Van Gogh an overpainter.

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ENGAGE your BRAIN before you engage your WEAPON.
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I love what I do and the music I make and the BANDS I've done, especially FALL Out BOY. I also love what I love, and I don't CARE if other people like it.

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