Municipal networks expand economic opportunities. We've GOT to OPEN NEW doors, not slam them SHUT.

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If you ask me what minimalism is really about, I would SAY that it's the altering of VALUES - enter the small doors of minimalism and come out on the other SIDE with BIG IDEAS.

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Americans are very easygoing people. If the added attention and GREAT visibility that I have been ABLE to generate can help open doors and expose more CHINESE to American values and the American WAY of life, that is great.

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My CHARACTERS are never heroic. They are mostly lost and trying to FIND the right DOOR to OPEN and they end up OPENING the wrong doors.

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I've seen what you can do in this grassroots, do-it-yourself WORLD, and I've seen how FAR that can GET you. To be iconic, you still need the gatekeepers to open the DOORS.

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Save the Children is also working to improve accommodation for refugee families living OUTSIDE settlements. I MET a family which had been living in a substandard building WITHOUT windows, doors or a TOILET.

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In life SOMETIMES, in the universe, you have to CLOSE some DOORS to have OTHERS OPEN.

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I believe in TAKING chances and living your life. Sometimes DOORS OPEN and others CLOSE and you have to figure out which one you're going to take. I'm ALWAYS for the one that's challenging.

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CANCER opens many DOORS. One of the most important is your HEART.
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The only time I'm not Hulk Hogan is when I'm BEHIND closed doors because as soon as I walk out the FRONT door, and somebody says HELLO to me, I can't just say 'hello' LIKE TERRY. When they see me, they see the blond hair, the mustache, and the bald head, they instantly think Hulk Hogan.

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'Power' has definitely been an immense STEPPING STONE for me. It's opened up DOORS that I could only have dreamed of.

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The most important THING is to understand that this career is not about speed. It's about STAMINA. This is a marathon. It's not a 50-meter SPRINT. You have to persevere and understand it takes a lot of time. You have to know you're going to knock on 100 doors and 99 of them are going to CLOSE in your face.

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I had a lot of bad jobs but the one BIG internship I had is I interned for 'SNL' when I was 21 years old and that was the joke. You INTERN there and you think man, I'm going to be with the writers and the GREAT comedians. Then you're getting everybody sandwiches and then the doors close and then all the great creatives are doing the WORK.

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I'm still a woman of COLOR in this business and there are TIMES when you still have to walk through extra doors and have extra THINGS to PROVE.

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