GENIUS is an overused word. The world has KNOWN only about a half dozen GENIUSES. I got only fairly NEAR.

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Batman has what is QUITE possibly the best ROGUES' GALLERY EVERY created. People who have never read a comic can name half a dozen of his foes, and that's barely scratching the surface.

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I remember when an EDITOR at the National Geographic promised to run about a dozen of my landscape pictures from a story on the John Muir trail as an ESSAY, but when the group of EDITORS got TOGETHER, someone said that my pictures looked LIKE postcards.

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It's not UNUSUAL for a would-be entrepreneur to GET turned down half a dozen TIMES before finding a WILLING investor - yet in most companies, it TAKES only one 'nyet' to kill a project stone dead.

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I started 'American Born Chinese' as a mini-comic. I would WRITE and DRAW a chapter, photocopy a hundred or so copies at the corner photocopy STORE, and then TRY to sell them on consignment through local comics SHOPS. If I could sell maybe half a dozen, I'd be doing okay.

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A few dozen changes to the genome of a modern elephant - to give it subcutaneous fat, woolly HAIR and sebaceous glands - might suffice to create a variation that is functionally SIMILAR to the mammoth. Returning this keystone SPECIES to the tundras could stave off some effects of warming.

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I have many books that I want to write; I'd LIKE to THINK that I'll be around for ANOTHER 20 years or so and write another dozen NOVELS, probably some sort of imaginative literature... Never again another seven-volume saga.

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I worked out of HOLLYWOOD for 10 years and I had my HEART broken HALF a dozen TIMES, so I know all the things that can go wrong.

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A HALF dozen pictures would just about be enough for the LIFE of an artist, for my life.

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World WAR II made prosperous the UNITED States, which had been undergoing a DEPRESSION for a dozen years, and made very rich those magnates and their managers who govern the republic - with MANY a wink - in the people's name.

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I really don't despise anyone. But there is a LIST of a half dozen people I WOULD prefer never to HEAR from or SEE again.

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MASS MARKET paperback THRILLERS are a dime a dozen. The TRICK is to find something that ACTUALLY sticks to the ribs.

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I often VISITED a PARTICULAR plant four or FIVE miles distant, half a dozen times within a fortnight, that I MIGHT know EXACTLY when it opened.

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I've DONE a dozen or TWO dozen infomercials.

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SHAKE any INSTITUTION of HIGHER LEARNING, and a dozen boycotters will FALL out of it.

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