It TAKES only one DRINK to get me DRUNK. The TROUBLE is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.

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My favorite drink is water - the bland one: Evian. I stick with that. I celebrate in the evening sometimes with Perrier. That's why I love COMING to California. They're ALWAYS TALKING to you about bottled water.

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DRINK not the third GLASS, which THOU canst not TAME, when once it is WITHIN thee.
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I don't DRINK at all.

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I don't SMOKE. I don't DRINK. I don't do NOTHING, BRO.

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I don't DRINK WATER, haven't DRANK water in 40 YEARS.

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The University of Nebraska says that elderly people that drink beer or wine at least four times a WEEK have the highest BONE density. They NEED it - they're the ones FALLING down the most.

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Kombucha is GREAT for digestion - I DRINK it at the BEGINNING of the DAY and sip on it all day.

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We DRINK one ANOTHER's HEALTH and SPOIL our own.

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We are delightfully trapped by our MEMORIES. I can't DRINK a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Pape Vieux Telegraphe without revisiting a hotel bistro in Luzerne, Switzerland, where I ate a large bowl of a peppery Basque BABY goat stew. A sip and a bite. A bite and sip. GOOSE bumps COME with the divine conjunction of food and wine.

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Wine is the DRINK of the GODS, MILK the drink of babes, TEA the drink of WOMEN, and water the drink of beasts.

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I don't make a particular distinction between 'high ART' and 'low art.' Music is there for EVERYBODY. It's a RIVER we can all PUT our cups into and DRINK it and be sustained by it.

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I never smoked. I never DRANK and I never TOOK drugs. The funny thing is, nothing is more BORING, PEOPLE like this. For me, it's OK. But most of my friends, at LEAST they smoke and drink.

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I am your fairy TALE. Your DREAM. Your wishes and DESIRES, and I am your THIRST and your hunger and your food and your DRINK.

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