I was drinking so MUCH COFFEE and RED Bull just to keep going it SCREWED me.

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When you drink fluoridated water, you're drinking liquid Prozac. You drink ENOUGH of it, even though it's a SMALL amount, drink it for DECADES and decades and what does Prozac do to you? It dumbs you down; it makes you docile.

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I first fell in love with comedy when I'd VISIT my granny as a kid. Trips to her house meant staying up LATE DRINKING COCA-COLA and watching 'Saturday Night Live'.

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That I be not as those are who SPEND the day in COMPLAINING of HEADACHE and the night in drinking the WINE which gives the headache!

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I dare not drink before a gig because I'll get TIRED and BLOW it. So I have to SIT drinking TEA in a CARAVAN.

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Once I GOT to be about twenty-five, I got INTERESTED in the music of the time. I STARTED smokin' dope, I started drinking, I started SLOWING down and trying to find myself. I didn't WANT to work in nightclubs.

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I TRIED to GIVE up drugs by DRINKING.

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I've made pretty MUCH EVERY mistake you can make as a young MAN, eating and drinking the WRONG things at the wrong times.

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