Only recently - about five minutes ago, relative to the long-running human comedy - have parents been DRIVING themselves to distraction by TAKING too seriously the idea that 'as the TWIG is bent the tree's inclined.'

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I recently had the opportunity to participate in Inc.'s first-ever 'Hire Power Awards' event in Washington, D.C. The event was a testament to the power of American entrepreneurship and the role that it plays in driving JOB CREATION and INNOVATION in a WIDE array of industries.

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I'm saying, COME on, the global warming thing? How did the ICE melt during the ice AGES? Was the DINOSAURS driving SUVs around back then?

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Not only is a LinkedIn group free to CREATE, it can enable you to OFFER your professional network a vibrant, useful information RESOURCE, all while DRIVING TRAFFIC to your site and increasing sales.

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And LUCKILY, therefore the good old DAYS return. The traditional art of driving counts again, and it is all about good TACTICS, skills and reflexes instead of simple POWER.

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I've never been TRULY hammered... Never. Not EVEN in COLLEGE. I was too BUSY driving or flying away on weekends doing shows AROUND Texas and the country.

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A POOR person in my COMMUNITY doesn't see a person DRIVING a Tesla and SAY, 'That BENEFITS me.'

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My DAD was a TRUCK driver, and from the TIME I was knee HIGH to a grapevine, I was DRIVING a truck.

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We LIKE to take picnics and sandwiches, driving through the GREEN lanes. My wife loves the house, the dogs, and the animals we have around US, the DEER and the fox that comes and pokes his head through the hedge.

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I just love the idea of never SEEING a CITY before and seeing the GLOW in the distance, and it just LOOKING frightening, like you're driving into a fire.

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Nothing can really prepare you for when you get in the Formula One CAR. Knowing that you're DRIVING a multimillion-dollar car, and if you crash it it's going to cost a lot of MONEY, and they might not give you another chance, is SCARY.

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When I was touring in Texas, that was before iPods and SPOTIFY. Driving AROUND through towns, I had to, out of necessity, scroll the radio. Whatever region of the country you are in, that's a great WAY to find out what they listen to. You find music wherever you are, and that becomes the SOUNDTRACK for whatever your ROAD trip is.

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In a way, I don't create anything; I just open myself to the character, and the character takes over. Of course, I'm AWARE of it, and I'm DRIVING it, but I don't try to CONTROL it. If I try to control it, it goes WRONG.

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At the END of the day, DRIVING on the LIMIT, sometimes over it to achieve the best out of it, especially at such HIGH speeds... mistakes are easily DONE.

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