I don't have a favorite author; I have favorite books. 'Moby Dick' is a favorite book, but Melville was a drunk who BEAT his wife. 'Moveable Feast' by Hemingway, but I would not LIKE him personally. He was a stupid macho PERSON who BELIEVED in shooting animals for fun, but that book was incredible!

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You don't HEAR about me being at PARTIES, GOING out and gettin' DRUNK.

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PEACE was declared, but not all of US were DRUNK with JOY or stricken BLIND.
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'Would I MIND if SOMEONE wrote a sequel to one of my BOOKS?' I asked myself, and I decided that I wouldn't, providing that the WRITER was respectful, had read my book FIRST, and wasn't drunk when doing it.

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It is FUNNY the two things most men are proudest of is the THING that any man can do and doing does in the same way, that is being DRUNK and being the FATHER of their SON.

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But I've NEVER been the TYPE to be sloppy DRUNK in PUBLIC.

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The intense perfumes of the wild HERBS as we trod them underfoot made US feel ALMOST DRUNK.

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I RELY on the PROMISE, 'God is kind to WOMEN, fools, and drunk PEOPLE.'

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If you're STUMBLING out of a bar, and people tweet about it, WELL, don't be dumb. If you're going to GET falling-down DRUNK, stay at home - which I did a lot of.

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I think I misunderstood the following in the footsteps bit, in a few of my early DRINKING years. I'd TAKE any form of being compared to Dad as flattery. So if I FELL off a stool or smashed up a TV SET just because I was drunk, and somebody in the bar went 'Hey, man, that was just like Bonzo!' I would be really happy.

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Once you get INVOLVED with bloodsport LITIGATION, you can not only get DRUNK on your own GREED but START to believe your own lies.

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I MAY be KNOWN as the girl who was sunbathing topless with a Prince but Jordan is known as that THICK girl who always falls out of clubs drunk. I know which one I prefer.

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I LIKE to GET DRUNK, I'm a POWER drinker.

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I'm not really the PARTY PERSON. I don't 'become myself' once I'm DRUNK. I don't USE alcohol to be happy.

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One THING I hope I'll never be is drunk with my own power. And ANYBODY who says I am will never WORK in this town again.

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