I watch PEOPLE who are not driven by creativity any more, and I think how dull it MUST be to produce the same KIND of thing. If you don't feel you're REACHING something new, then don't do it.

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I think that there is a sharp CONTRAST for most people between life at university, where they meet lots of people, and the moment when they enter the workforce, when they BASICALLY no longer meet anyone. Life becomes dull. So as a result people GET married to have a personal life. I could elaborate but I think EVERYONE understands.

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You can literally see the radiance and suppleness being restored and DULL skin coming back to life as all of those INCREDIBLE nutrients go to work, that is why I just LOVE The OILS of Life range from The BODY Shop. I also love indulging in home spa treatments.

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On FILM, I'm very MYSTERIOUS, but in LIFE I'm very DULL.

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I always FELT that heroes were essentially DULL. Villains were more exotic and could do more interesting THINGS.

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I'm INTERESTED in taking HOLD of the dull truth NARRATIVE and finding inside it the transcendence and SPIRITUALITY and hysteria normally associated with religion.

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The JEALOUS are possessed by a MAD devil and a DULL SPIRIT at the same time.

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After I left COLLEGE I THOUGHT, very naively, that EITHER you became someone INTERESTING - an artist - or you went into academia. If you ended up in an office you were DULL and lacking. And I ended up in an office.

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I did GO to one of the chocolate factories in the U.K. It was disappointing. Not at all magical! And I THOUGHT, 'What a DULL PLACE to work.'

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I'd love to WORK in a restaurant. You GET to meet NEW people all the time and constantly socialize. There are no DULL moments when you're serving. It would definitely be a fun job to have.

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If I welcomed PEOPLE into my LOVELY home every WEEK in the pages of a magazine, they'd soon see how incredibly dull it is. It's important to maintain a BIT of mystique.

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The most fascinating powers don't mean a thing if the guy's poorly MOTIVATED or dull, and the most GENERIC powers won't hurt a well-motivated CHARACTER. Personality and motivation are what make Magneto, Magneto and not Cosmic BOY. The powers work for him, but it's his motivation that makes him the character he is.

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As a WRITER, you're MAKING a pact with the reader; you're saying, 'Look, I know and you know that if this book was REALLY a murder investigation, it would be a thousand pages long and would be very dull, and you would be very unhappy with the ENDING.'

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A lot of roles for PEOPLE with disabilities are QUITE patronising. It's a real pity when they are just used to give dull PC kudos to a DRAMA, or when they're wheeled on in a tokenistic way without any real INVOLVEMENT in the PLOT.

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ENGLAND was INCREDIBLY DULL and everything EXCITING seemed to be in AMERICA.
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