I REMEMBER being really, really young and watching Prince and MICHAEL Jackson concert DVDs. One of my FAVORITES is Prince's 'Rave Un2 The YEAR 2000.'

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I don't think PEOPLE really do listen. We plug into music, and we have SHORT attention spans. We TEND to download individual tracks from iTunes rather than a whole album. We buy music DVDs and watch them once, and then they DISAPPEAR into a drawer, or we LOAN them to a friend, and we never watch it again.

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I had two DVDs my junior YEAR. One was 'Fletch' and one was 'Goodfellas,' and I watched those MOVIES so MUCH. I just remember EATING Ramen noodles and WATCHING 'Goodfellas.'

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I LIKE to HANG out with my friends, GO to the theatre, watch DVDs, read, PLAY with my niece.

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I love to KICK back at home with some good food, FRIENDS, & family and WATCH DVDs!

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Some say, why will PEOPLE pay for cinema when they can WATCH cheaper DVDs at HOME? But I say, EVERYONE has a kitchen at home, yet there are STILL many restaurants.

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The more people who SEE a film, the more life it has. But I don't like when people watch DVDs and LOOK at TWO scenes, but they don't look at the whole MOVIE. Or they sit and talk to each other. You should always watch a movie all the way through.

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Before we shot the pilot, I KNEW what 'Dallas' was, but I actually was too YOUNG to remember the details of the show. I didn't have my hands on the DVDs, so I YouTubed EVERYTHING I COULD of J.R.

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I studied communications, only because I could get my own show on the campus RADIO station. I never thought of it as a career. Music was ALWAYS a REALLY passionate hobby - it was like collecting DVDs or stamps.

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I don't go to the gym because I don't have time, but I do Pilates WORKOUT DVDs for 20 minutes or more EVERY DAY at HOME.

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Unlike films, which can be EASILY disseminated worldwide via DVDs and the Internet, plays STRUGGLE to FIND an international AUDIENCE.

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I buy DVDs almost EVERY week. I'm more of a FILM BUFF, so I usually buy more DVDs than CDs, but if I like SOMEONE's ALBUM, I will buy the CD of it.

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When you look at what we spend on ENTERTAINMENT, whether it's on CDs, music, DVDs, there is so MUCH money invested in that, people want to know a little more about the stars they're paying to SEE or HEAR.

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