Each one of these treaties is a STEP for the maintenance of peace, an additional GUARANTEE against WAR. It is through such machinery that the disputes between nations will be settled and war prevented.

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If you have company-owned STORES, you make 100 PERCENT of the PROFIT from each one, but you have less ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT.

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I've MADE six zombie FILMS; I've TRIED consciously to make each one different from the NEXT.

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'Night of the LIVING DEAD,' then 'Dawn of the Dead' is a few weeks LATER, 'Day of the Dead' months later, and 'Land of the Dead' is three years later. Each one spoke about a DIFFERENT decade and was stylistically different.

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I think there's a PART in each one of US that wants the impossible to HAPPEN, and that's what SURPRISES are.

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All SOUTHERN cooks have tried their hands at shrimp and grits, and each one has his or her own version of the dish. My mom USED to season her shrimp with garlic and ONION and just prepare the grits with a little salt and pepper.

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Collaboration is much like a birth. The SONG that springs forth resembles each one of us to a DEGREE, but it's the kind of thing that would never be BORN from just one of us sitting down with a guitar.

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'Everwood' I think provides a unique FEELING, an emotional EXPERIENCE. And other shows on TV don't have the acting talent to do that. Each one of our actors can do a serious SCENE and a humorous scene, and can do it all within the same SEQUENCE. They can go from a heartbreaking moment to a humorous moment.

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But those musics do not address the LARGER KIND of architecture in time that CLASSICAL MUSIC does, whatever each one of us knows that classical music MUST mean.

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We need to make sure that we have MENTAL HEALTH counselors in our schools. We need to make sure that we have POSSIBLY a law enforcement SECURITY guards in each one of the schools.

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I'm a BUSINESSMAN. I'm a FORMER legislator, and I'm an EXECUTIVE. And I've been very EFFECTIVE in each one of those POSITIONS.

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Whether you were talking about Pillsbury, Burger King, Godfather's, the National Restaurant Association, in each one of those SITUATIONS, I had a daunting PROBLEM that I had to SOLVE. And I used the same BUSINESS principles to approach the problem and, more importantly, solve the problem in every one of the situations.

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A PSYCHOLOGIST once told me that for a BOY being in the middle of a conflict between TWO women is the worst possible situation. There's ALWAYS a DESIRE to please each one.

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I THINK 'Two Towers' is a completely distinct film from 'Fellowship of the RING' or 'Return of the King.' I think that you can watch them as a GROUP and watch how the story evolves, but I think each one was made in its own entirety, and each one has its own palate of sound and MUSIC and COLOR and characterization.

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I have written 20 BOOKS, and each one is LIKE having a baby. Writing is not EASY; some people WANT to write books but just can't put a story TOGETHER. I can put together a story that interests both me and my readers.

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