SOMEBODY WARNED me EARLY on to be very CAREFUL about brushing up against the CHOCOLATE.
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I lost TOUCH with my son in TERMS of ADVICE early on. Maybe it had to do with being gone so much, doing location films when he was at an age where he needed support and GUIDANCE.

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I CERTAINLY direct with confidence even if I'm not confident. I LEARNED early on as an ACTOR that confidence can be faked, and it's not always a terrible thing to do. A lot of TIMES if people FEEL you're confident, then they're confident.

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I retired when I was 30, with all my marbles and a few bucks. But a lot of GUYS leave boxing penniless with no skills. Men in their 30s and early 40s, old for boxing, young in life, but also old in the JOB MARKET if you're just getting started with no education. These guys NEED SOMEONE in their corner.

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I've been an INTERNET PERSON since EARLY on, been a SOCIAL media person since early on.

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I have come to regard November as the older, harder man's October. I appreciate the early darkness and COOLER temperatures. It puts my MIND in a different place than October. It is a month for a quieter, SLIGHTLY more subdued celebration of summer's death as winter tightens its grip.

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My FORMULA for SUCCESS is rise early, work late, and STRIKE oil.

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I ALWAYS tell YOUNG girls, surround yourself with goodness. I learned EARLY on how to get the HATERS out of my life.

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I like to be ALONE so I can write. But FOCUS can hurt you. I don't want to be some stress casualty in EARLY middle age.

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REMEMBER that in the EARLY days of the feminist movement, they refused to have a leader; different women would just stand up and speak. The early feminists were very careful to not PUT what was spontaneously arising back in the old BOTTLE.
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I spent the first SUMMER after my diagnosis creeping about in giant sun hats and tents, cursing the sun, staying inside as much as possible. Now I am beginning to think the most IMPORTANT thing is EDUCATED sun exposure, because the melanomas of TODAY are not caused by today's sunbathing, but by our childhoods and EARLY adolescence.

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My MOTHER is BRITISH; she's from Shrewsbury. She TURNED me onto 'Monty PYTHON' very early.

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EARLY, when I FIRST started wrestling, I wanted to be a combination of Sting and the Ultimate WARRIOR: The Ultimate Warrior's craziness and weird PERSONALITY and Sting's coolness and the way he carried himself to the ring. But then later on, when it came to physicality and athleticism, Shawn Michaels topped the cake.
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I believe we should ENCOURAGE children to sing and play instruments from an EARLY AGE.

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I go out and TAKE oysters, clams and mussels every 2 WEEKS or so during late fall, winter and early spring. I particularly like to go out when there is a below-average ebb tide because that exposes clamming grounds and oysters that are usually under WATER.

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