I fell in love with NEW York at some indeterminate POINT in my EARLY years.

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I GREW up in a farm town in INDIANA. In the EARLY YEARS I played by myself, because there were no other musicians around.

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Code is just a list of instructions. There are COUNTRIES that are TEACHING it as part of the core CURRICULUM. Having some experience in those early YEARS is very important.

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You look at the descriptions of Whitey by law enforcement during his early years, and they sum him up PRETTY WELL. He was the same GUY 40 years later; he just had $40 million more, and had COMMITTED 40 more murders.

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I was very FORTUNATE, during my early years as a paleontologist, in that my FIELD crews and I made some remarkable DISCOVERIES indicating DINOSAURS to have been extremely social.

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There's no QUESTION that we have great value on the sanctity of the family, and there are a lot of competing visions about exactly how we teach a set of values and we teach SKILLS to our CHILDREN, especially in the early years when they're really FORMING their personalities, their personas, really.

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Those early YEARS in New Jersey were AMAZING. We lived in a really small town with tons of kids my age. There were fields and woods and a creek - it was a pretty ideal place to be a LITTLE kid.

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I really empathise with some of my peers who had SUCCESS in the EARLY YEARS; then it dries up, and so there's no REASON to get up in the morning.

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The question of how to structure our NATION's financial system arose in the EARLY years of the REPUBLIC.

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In particular, Kissinger was a key PLAYER during a transformative period of the imperial PRESIDENCY, in the 1960s and '70s, when the Vietnam War undermined the traditional foundations on which it had STOOD since the early years of the Cold War: elite PLANNING, bipartisan consensus, and PUBLIC support.

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I spent most of the EARLY years of my WALK with GOD focused on what was wrong with me. Most of US probably do that, HOPING to change ourselves.

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In my early years, I was much too ignorant and didn't realize how desperately IMPORTANT it all is, how REALLY important the lyrics are. And for me as a singer, I am a lady who TAKES the lyrics first.

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Growing up with my FAMILY gave me some of my BEST memories. I'd LIKE to have a family of my own - slip away for a BIT and do nothing but spend those early years with my CHILDREN.

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I think I spent most of my CHILDHOOD, and my early YEARS as a performer, in STUDENT MODE. And I think that's OK - I mean, it led me to where I am.

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Some of my fondest memories of the early YEARS of Netflix have to do with our efforts to figure out the most efficient, effective, and fast METHODS to get DVDs to PEOPLE all over the country.

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