MODERN MAN is frantically trying to earn enough to buy THINGS he's too BUSY to ENJOY.
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About tidying up a toy BOX, you should let your kids experience the SELECTION process by touching all of their toys. It's also important how they throw away their toys. They can earn a stronger sense of valuing things when they throw things away with RESPECT and APPRECIATION.

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NEVER STAND BEGGING for that which you have the POWER to EARN.
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I'm a Republican, but I'm a Republican from the old school. I was taught that you get what you put into it. You can be anything you want to be if you WORK hard ENOUGH at it, and you can EARN your place. That's the old WAY.

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I WOULD rather EARN 1% off a 100 people's EFFORTS than 100% of my own efforts.

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LABOR, and the ability to earn one's own WAY, is central to dignity and, indeed, to vocation. CHRISTIANS should seek to broaden the private ECONOMY to include more individuals in remunerative labor.
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We MUST adjust our value systems and WORK to modify today's societies, in which economic interests are carried to the extreme and irrationally produce not merely objects, but weapons of WAR. These societies don't care about the destruction of the planet and mankind as long as they EARN PROFITS - it can't go on like this.

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RESEARCH indicates that most WOMEN WANT their MAN to EARN more than they do.
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I was a SINGLE MOTHER and had to EARN MONEY.

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I'm WORKING hard. I'm putting in the hard work. I'm SACRIFICING. I ain't asking for no handouts. I'm going to EARN everything I'm given.

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A large social-MEDIA PRESENCE is important because it's one of the last WAYS to conduct cost-effective marketing. Everything else involves BUYING eyeballs and ears. Social media enables a SMALL business to earn eyeballs and ears.

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Earn your SUCCESS based on SERVICE to OTHERS, not at the expense of others.

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