Looking at the way the GAME is played, I'm envious of the CONDITIONS. We played on some ropey World Cup surfaces. I genuinely NEVER look back and wish I earned the MONEY they do TODAY, but I do think of that element.

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I'm a sexually liberated woman that earned that LIBERATION. I am very PROUD of the fact that I FEEL COMFORTABLE in certain forums discussing sex.

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My FATHER did not ROCK. He just EARNED and hated. Don't END up like this man.

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There should be a PATH to EARNED legal status for those that are here. Not - not amnesty - earned legal status, which MEANS you pay a FINE and do many things over an extended period of TIME.

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When I LEFT EastEnders, I could have EARNED an ABSOLUTE fortune from SEXY calendars, shoots for lads' mags, fitness videos and reality SHOWS. But I always turned them down.

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I've had some 'riotous excursions of the HUMAN spirit' alongside the YOUNG Sailors and Marines, and it's time to leave the STAGE to the young LEADERS who got their rank the OLD-FASHIONED way - they earned their stripes in combat.

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This is the HIGHEST wisdom that I own; FREEDOM and LIFE are earned by those alone who CONQUER them each day anew.

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Clay Hunt was the kind of individual that has made AMERICA a great COUNTRY. In 2005, when his country needed him, he enlisted in the Marine Corps. Shot in IRAQ, he earned a Purple Heart, and after he recuperated, he graduated from Marine Corps SCOUT Sniper School and was deployed to AFGHANISTAN.

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Whether you LOVE him or whether you hate him, ROMAN Reigns has earned his spot, and I'm hot at all these little crybabies out there going, 'We just stand up and boo him because we really don't LIKE him.' OH, really?

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It's just wrong to work your whole life to build up a nest egg, build your own business - you pass AWAY, and Uncle Sam can swoop in and take away NEARLY HALF of everything you've earned. Can you imagine that? Having to sell off most of your land just to keep it from the GOVERNMENT, just to save the house.

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I feel like I kind of EARNED my stripes working with The STEREOTYPES. It was maybe my 6th songwriting session I've ever been to, and they just gave me and a writer I USED to write with 3-4 tracks and KINDA just let us come up with whatever.

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I believe I have EARNED my SHOT in F1. I have won F3, and we all KNOW F3 is a very HIGH level.

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The first MONEY I ever EARNED was for drawing stone TOOLS.

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I EARNED the OPPORTUNITY to stand on STAGE with MANY senior artists at YG, and naturally, I gained stage experience.

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