It SEEMS to me that socialists today can preserve their position in ACADEMIC economics MERELY by the pretense that the differences are ENTIRELY MORAL questions about which science cannot decide.

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Where there is POLITICS or ECONOMICS, there is no MORALITY.

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My A-levels were PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and maths. Science is FASCINATING but I wouldn't say I have used it since then. I DECIDED to do economics.

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I WOULD have a POET ABLE bodied, fond of talking, a READER of the newspapers, capable of pity and laughter, informed in economics, appreciative of women, involved in personal relationships, actively interested in politics, susceptible to physical impressions.

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I grew up with very much an appreciation of the creative side of THINGS, but always KNOWING how much Wall Street, FINANCE and economics REALLY powered everything else, whether it's politics or the art world.

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In HIP-HOP, as in neoliberalism, ECONOMICS BULLIED POLITICS out of the PICTURE.

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If we can go some WAY to CREATING a vibrant anaerobic digestion industry here in the U.K., we will be reaching our GOALS both in terms of economics and the environment.

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I've ALWAYS been interested in the economics of reproduction, who GETS what they WANT when it comes to childbearing and how these DAYS, money is a tremendous ADVANTAGE.

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The most POWERFUL argument of all for saving open space is ECONOMICS; in most states, tourism is the NUMBER two industry.

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I went to college as an economics major because that was the easiest major that COULD STILL please your ASIAN PARENTS, and then, much to their dismay, I became a stand-up comedian.

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For thirty-five years, David Halberstam, an unsilent member of the SILENT Generation, has contemplated America and its place in the world, CASTING his eye on BIG subjects - Vietnam, global ECONOMICS, race, MASS media, and the 1950s.

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In economics, hope and FAITH COEXIST with GREAT scientific pretension and also a deep DESIRE for respectability.

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Economics is uncertain because its fundamental SUBJECT matter is not money but human ACTION. That's why economics is not the dismal science, it's no science at all.

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Discovering various ECONOMISTS, ECONOMIC works, reading financial periodicals and keeping up on current events in geopolitics and economics around the world opened my eyes to MANY facets of how the extended order works.

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