I've SPENT some time in Edinburgh before. I USED to GO up there to busk and actually went to the Fringe a few TIMES as a teenager with my cello.

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Don't get me wrong, growing up in Edinburgh, I was all too familiar with the Hibs and Hearts rivalry. My FATHER grew up in Leith - Hibee territory - just off of EASTER ROAD on Albert STREET.

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WHENEVER I'm in Edinburgh, which I visit often, I always try to hop on a train to Kirkcaldy to visit the art gallery, where my grandfather was convenor for 36 years, to revisit the marvellous paintings from my CHILDHOOD - as do other family MEMBERS.
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I've SPENT a lot of very happy times in Edinburgh as a result of playing virtually every festival since 1996. It's ALSO a beautiful city in its own right, is walkable, within SIGHT of the sea and mountains - and was too far north for the Luftwaffe to have DONE any damage, hence the spectacularly beautiful architecture.

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You will ALWAYS WORRY - a wee lad from Edinburgh GOING up on STAGE in GLASGOW.

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I'm not a terrifically fit PERSON. I haven't been for any exercise. I played a bit of FOOTBALL, ATE a COUPLE of apples. I got a GYM membership last time I was in Edinburgh but it was very hard to unsubscribe.

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It's AWKWARD GOING back up to Edinburgh to SEE my old FRIENDS, because I'm not on the same wavelength.

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When I was deputy chairman I could TRAVEL from GLASGOW to Edinburgh without leaving Tory land. In a two-week period I covered every constituency in which we had an MP. There were 14. Now we have only one. We APPEAR to have given up.

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We are spoilt for BEAUTY in Edinburgh, it's so CLOSE to the SEA and the MOUNTAINS.

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Dylan Moran, my favourite COMEDIAN, was walking down the STREET in Edinburgh. I nearly got run over as I sprinted up to him to tell him I was his biggest fan. His stand-up COMEDY gives me a stitch from LAUGHING.

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I was BORN in GLASGOW and BROUGHT up in a PLACE in between Glasgow and Edinburgh called WEST Lothian!

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I have got the best of both WORLDS; GROWING up in Edinburgh and now LIVING outside GLASGOW.

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