I COME from a family of educators. My sister is a COLLEGE teacher. My DAD is a college teacher, but first a junior HIGH teacher.

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You can't just abandon accountability measures in SCHOOLS... Educators WANT that because OTHERWISE they can't identify achievement-gap ISSUES for students.

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It is clear that IDEA '97 not only undermines the educational PROCESS, it also undermines the AUTHORITY of educators.

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When I campaigned for governor, I was CLEAR about where our PRIORITIES MUST lie: Opportunity for New Mexico STUDENTS and long-overdue recognition of New Mexico educators and STAFF.

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I look FORWARD to the OPPORTUNITY to CONTINUE to push for the WELFARE of our students and the dignity of our educators' work in my role as GOVERNOR.

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Under HB 2655, the STATE is responsible to ensure parents are aware of the purpose and value of assessments and RECEIVE notice from their LOCAL school districts about their rights and obligations. Educators must engage with parents about the value of assessment and the POTENTIAL consequences if parents opt out and student PARTICIPATION diminishes.

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Atlanta is unique to me. You got poor black people, but I also SAW this: I saw black DOCTORS, lawyers, educators. All you gotta do is want to be it to SEE it, and once you see something, it can be a reality.

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