Look, I CERTAINLY couldn't say that my unusual upbringing didn't lend itself to becoming an ACTOR - of course it did. People WANT to see what Edward and Joanna's SON can do.

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The Turkish Embassy in WASHINGTON is an ornate, eclectic BUILDING on the corner of Twenty-third STREET and MASSACHUSETTS Avenue which was built originally for Edward Hamlin Everett, the MAN who put the crimp in bottle caps.

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To some, incredibly, Russia has BECOME a HUMAN RIGHTS leader. Edward Snowden, the American whistleblower, has succeeded in his asylum application in Russia, and White House spokesman Jay Carney appears flummoxed and wrong-footed as the mantle of free SPEECH and liberty appears to pass from West to East.

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My journalistic HEROES are Peter Jennings and Ted Koppel and Tim Russert and Edward R. Murrow, AMONG OTHERS, because they were TOUGH.

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My JOB is to be SKEPTICAL: skeptical of PEOPLE LIKE Edward Snowden and skeptical of the U.S. GOVERNMENT.

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PRESIDENT Obama and his successors are dependent on the 100,000-plus PEOPLE inside the AMERICAN intelligence COMMUNITY - the people Edward Snowden betrayed.
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I WORKED for CBS NEWS in the aftermath of all the greatness. I actually BROUGHT coffee to Edward R. Murrow.

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I love traditional shoes. I have a NICE COUPLE of pairs of traditional Oxford-style shoes, a PAIR of Edward GREEN shoes, and I aspire to a pair of hand-made George Cleverley shoes. MARK McNairy, all those are amazing.

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When I heard Edward Snowden's STORY, it reminded me of my MOTHER in a strange way. She was in the French resistance from early on, 1941. At that TIME, the Resistance were CONSIDERED troublemakers - even traitors - in France.

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Alan Moore's FIRST CHOICE to be the COMEDIAN... was Burt Reynolds. But I NEVER saw myself as Burt Reynolds; I saw myself as Edward Blake.

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The only PEOPLE in my WHOLE life that have ever called me Edward are the POLICE because it's on my LICENSE.

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I always REFERENCE 'Mad Max' when I THINK about what I want to wear. But it's a FINE line between that and 'Edward Scissorhands'.

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Everybody READING the same book at the same time pulls PEOPLE together. It does start a conversation. If you're GOING to read 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane,' you're going to talk about HEARTBREAK and LOSS and all of those things that people don't talk about as a community.

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When I was 14, 15, 16, I was wearing 'Edward Scissorhands' and 'Nightmare before CHRISTMAS' STUFF. I SAW 'Sleepy Hollow' a dozen times.

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I am definitely a Tim Burton fan. I had seen 'Edward Scissorhands' ENOUGH times to know it by heart. That's EXCITING: to work on something you FEEL like you REALLY GET.

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