I've ALWAYS WORKED very efficiently on SMALL budgets, both in DOCUMENTARIES and in features.

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In twenty YEARS, the Lottery has RAISED over $1.4 BILLION. It has been run SUCCESSFULLY and efficiently.

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Crime novels have a CLEAR beginning, middle, and end: a mystery, its investigation, and its resolution. The reader expects events to play out logically and efficiently, and these EXPECTATIONS force the writer to spend a GOOD deal of time working on macrostructure rather than prettifying individual SENTENCES.

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I'm not a CAR guy. The subway gets me where I need to go efficiently and cheaply, and I don't WORRY about TRAFFIC.

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It's been a DREAM to work alongside the TALENTED team at Lucasfilm and ILM to make advancements and improvements to the FILMMAKING process to help tell stories more efficiently.

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One of the COOL THINGS about getting to audition for things on short notice is that it teaches you to memorize efficiently. So I've NEVER been AFRAID of getting TEXT down quickly.

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One action SOCIETY needs to take is to use ENERGY MUCH more efficiently. Instead of incandescent LIGHT bulbs, you could switch to LEDs that consume a LOT less electricity, for example.

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PEOPLE LIKE me, whose income largely comes from DIVIDENDS, should PAY more taxes. The problem is that taxes aren't used efficiently.
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Investing in management MEANS building COMMUNICATION systems, BUSINESS PROCESSES, feedback, and routines that let you SCALE the business and team as efficiently as possible.

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