As actors, we have the BESTJOB in the world, but occasionally it can be made DIFFICULT by ego and by not listening to each other and lack of COMMUNICATION.
As a football player, you MUST have a BIGEGO to respect yourself. So if you are a good player, you must SAY that you are good. You need to have the confidence.
Pride or ego is not IMPORTANT to me. What is more important is COMMON sense, the welfare of the company, and the objective REALITY that we need to be cautious during DIFFICULT times. One should not make DECISIONS based on emotions or ego.
I'm a competitor, and I'm SURE a lot of people who don't get to play because of an injury, whether it's their PRIDE or their EGO, whatever it is, they want to be out on the FIELD.
I have to TELL you, you can't have an ego when you're an actor. A lot of actors have them, but in reality most of those people are just SENSITIVEARTISTSDYING for a HUG and a compliment.
It's good to have a healthy EGO because that pushes you to succeed. But when you cross a line, and your VIEWS are not balanced, that's when you GET into trouble.