If you're a father of a child who dies, it's an experience that NEVER leaves you. It SCARS you forever and ever and ever. And so when I do any kind of story with SOMEBODY who's in the same position as my daughter was, there's no question that SOMETHING comes out of me and embraces that story in a way that only a father who lost a child COULD.

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From the BEGINNING, we have fostered a CULTURE that embraces our ENTREPRENEURIAL spirit and values innovation that puts our customers FIRST.

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I think that literature is SOMETHING that embraces a MUCH larger experience than POLITICS. It's an expression of what is LIFE, of what are all the dimensions of life. But politics is one AMONG others.

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Any business today that embraces the STATUS quo as an OPERATING PRINCIPLE is going to be on a death MARCH.

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Country's opened its boundaries so WIDE that it embraces everything, and it GIVES everybody this NEW freedom to CREATE now.

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If you think you aren't valid for whatever REASON, let my EXISTENCE and the way the WORLD embraces my existence tell you that you are valid. You DESERVE to look, live, and walk through the world however you see fit. That's why I find it extremely important to be so out, so black, and so myself.

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The average member of the PUBLIC THINKS of 'business' as an impersonal corporate entity owned by the very rich and managed by OVERPAID executives. There is an almost TOTAL failure to appreciate that 'business' actually embraces - in one way or ANOTHER - most Americans.

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NEW Orleans just embraces PEOPLE who LOVE MUSIC.
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Digital-Original publishing embraces the non-conventional and genre-busting story. It allows me to share GOOD STORIES with readers who will enjoy them, and at a reasonable PRICE.

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