It's hard to get OPPORTUNITIES ANYWHERE. There are a lot of COACHES out there and a lot of talented coaches too. It's not EASY. Quite often there's no perfect situation that emerges.

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I rarely use a STYLIST, and enjoy choosing my outfit on my own. If you know what suits your BODY and personality then your individual STYLE emerges NATURALLY.

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One of the things I think we're LEARNING to do as the twelfth insight emerges is to be discerning without being judgmental, because condemning someone certainly feels LIKE a comic event that BRINGS other things BACK on you.

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I FEEL that BUILDINGS often have a workaday aspect that you SEE during the DAYLIGHT HOURS, and a more resplendent side that emerges after dark.

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NORMALLY, the MARKET peaks before bad news emerges. That's what HAPPENED in 1929, and that's what happened in 2000.
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I expect my RETURN to be 18 to 25 percent in 1988, while the Standard & POOR's 500 should rise 8 to 12 percent and OTC STOCKS GAIN 15 percent as liquidity emerges.

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It's AMAZING how, AGE after age, in COUNTRY after country, and in all LANGUAGES, SHAKESPEARE emerges as incomparable.

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Eroticism is BORN at a TIME in civilisation when SEXUAL instinct BECOMES deanimalised and enriched with contributions from art and from literature. A world of theatricality emerges around the act of love.

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As new technology emerges as the greatest challenge to NOVELS SINCE the advent of film, it may be that the fragmentation of STORYTELLING into installments key to Dickens's ERA will be recreated in some way.

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NOTHING is more EXCITING than being AROUND NEW TALENT when it emerges.
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I can say with CONFIDENCE that my trans/transfeminine identity emerges as the most heavily problematized aspect of my lived experience. My transness is not a problem on its own but problematized by a society that reviles it, HATES it, fails to UNDERSTAND it - or does not wish to.

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I've WORKED on ENOUGH CAMPAIGNS to know that the most aggrieved candidate RARELY emerges victorious.

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Just as the mind emerges from the ACTIONS of INDIVIDUAL neurons and their cooperation, the SUCCESS of an organization emerges not only from its individual participants, but ALSO from the interplay between them.

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