SPEAKING very GENERALLY, I find that WOMEN are spiritually, EMOTIONALLY, and often physically STRONGER than men.

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It really costs me a lot EMOTIONALLY to watch myself on SCREEN. I think of myself, and feel LIKE I'm quite young, and then I look at this OLD man with the baggy chins and the tired eyes and the receding hairline and all that.

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I think for men and WOMEN, there's a DIFFERENT dynamic when it comes to love. Because I FEEL like a MAN who FALLS in love with a woman falls harder than a woman falling for a man. We're not emotionally as accepting as women are.

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I get angry about stuff, I get very EMOTIONALLY INTENSE about stuff and that's how I get it out - with BOOKS, with the band, on my own ONSTAGE, but it's always kind of a wail.

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I ALWAYS KNEW there wasn't GOING to be anybody to HELP me and emotionally support me, that whatever I did I'd have to do on my own.

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In minor crises, the preacher can extract himself emotionally and allow others to express grief and FEAR and DOUBT while he REMAINS strong.

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By relying on the statistical information rather than a GUT feeling, you allow the data to LEAD you to be in the right place at the right time. To REMAIN as emotionally free from the hurly burley of the here and now is one of the only WAYS to succeed.

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My career's been a SLOW and STEADY build, which I'm grateful for, because had it been this THING where I just exploded, I don't know that I, as a sensitive person, could have handled it EMOTIONALLY.

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If I had had a big explosion of a break RIGHT at the beginning of my career, I don't KNOW that I was emotionally READY for that, as a human, just yet.

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If your WORK isn't mission-driven or emotionally resonant to you, it will be very hard to maintain PASSION and FOCUS over a long period of TIME, which is critical in entrepreneurship.

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It's one thing for the INDUSTRY to LOSE half its REVENUE to piracy; it's another to DESTROY it EMOTIONALLY.

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What is TAKEN away is GREATER than the sum of what was there. This MAY not be mathematically possible; but it is emotionally possible.

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RUNNING for office is similar to being a trial lawyer in a very LONG trial. It requires adrenaline and STAMINA; it requires being in SHAPE mentally and emotionally. It's a MARATHON.

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Going vegetarian - and then VEGAN - has calmed me down, and it has also made me PHYSICALLY and emotionally strong. I do crave meat once in a while, but I find that SPIRITUALLY, non-vegetarian FOOD works against my EMOTIONAL health.

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