PEOPLE have FOUND very significant and simple ways to cheat their employer and get money out of their employers, and MANY COMPANIES lack good internal controls.
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The EMPLOYER class is less indispensable in the modern organization of INDUSTRIES because the laboring MEN themselves possess sufficient intelligence to ORGANIZE into co-operative relation and ENJOY the entire benefits of their own labor.

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Many social CONSERVATIVES want to encourage married couples to have CHILDREN, and it is becoming increasingly difficult if the couple FEELS strapped and concerned with being penalized by their EMPLOYER for having children.

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BORDER enforcement coupled with EMPLOYER sanctions and threatening employers who hire IMMIGRATION LAW violators is insufficient.
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A woman should not have to FEAR retribution from her EMPLOYER, and the DISTRICT of Columbia should be able to pass laws to PROTECT against that retribution.

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No AMERICAN should have to live in constant fear that their EMPLOYER can FIRE them just because of their sexual orientation or GENDER identity.

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If you're just starting out in the workforce, the very BEST THING you can do for yourself is to get started in your WORKPLACE retirement plan. Contribute enough to grab any matching dollars your employer is OFFERING (a.k.a. the LAST free money on earth).

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My EMPLOYER was never at any TIME AWARE of anything in my PAST beyond the writing I did, because, frankly, it isn't relevant to the job I was asked to do, which was to be a reporter.

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I WOULD encounter W. E. B. Du Bois and the term double consciousness. When I READ it, I thought about sitting in my mother's employer's family ROOM, WATCHING my mother clean while I waited for her to finish so we could go HOME.

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I'm not a natural employer. I live very PRIVATELY, and we like our privacy at home. To be SITTING and talking with your wife or your family and to have somebody walking around and you're ignoring them, I couldn't handle that at all. I can barely handle a cleaning LADY coming in every so often.

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Valvoline, which has called Lexington HOME for more than 30 years, is a GREAT EMPLOYER that gives back to our community.

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You're only WORTH as MUCH to one EMPLOYER as you are to ANOTHER.

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When you do a writing JOB for a studio, one of the things you WANT to do is satisfy the EXPECTATIONS of your EMPLOYER. That's a little bit different than when you sit down and write SOMETHING to satisfy yourself, because then you're the employer.

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The way you PERSONALLY COMMUNICATE is 90 per cent of how you will be evaluated by any FUTURE employer.

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I think that one of the things that we have to recognize is that the longer SOMEBODY doesn't have a job, the HARDER it is to get a new job. You know, the reality is that if you're out of job, and you're looking for a job, then the new EMPLOYER's going to say, 'Well, why, you know, don't you have a job now? What's wrong with you?'

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