When I CAME out I hoped it WOULD EMPOWER OTHERS - and it has.

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I think that the BEST that government can do for you and I as INDIVIDUALS is to EMPOWER you and I to MAKE decisions that only you and I should make.

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I think I've really learned how IMPORTANT it is to EMPOWER WOMEN.

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If we could FIND a WAY to TOTALLY empower half of the brains in AMERICA, IMAGINE how much more productive we could be.

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The message that I GAVE on the - on the steps today was that you need to stand for those THINGS that are right and empower the individual. Believe in the power of one PERSON. Don't believe that you can't do it. Everybody wants - everybody wants a shot. That we can all AGREE on. BEYOND that, it becomes politics. I'm not talking politics.

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We must invest in and EMPOWER our state and local parties by creating effective field operations, an ENHANCED and advanced voter file, and a CULTURE of COLLABORATION between candidates at every LEVEL. Let's put the voters first.

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When our WORLD is telling GIRLS and WOMEN who they should be or what they should look like, it is CRITICAL that we empower those girls and young women to be CONFIDENT with who they are.

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I hope that, in the FUTURE, DATA is used to empower PEOPLE and not just for MARKETING purposes.

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My parents were both UNION members, and I grew up hearing how IMPORTANT it was to empower WORKERS and have FAIR labor practices.

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What's interesting is with a LOT of the work I do through my foundation, the 'Manifest Your Destiny' foundation, we really ENCOURAGE people, and we attempt to empower, uplift and INSPIRE people to live out their DREAMS, live out their destiny.

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We need to find a way to EMPOWER citizens to make GOVERNMENTS TAKE NOTICE.

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I want to empower people who MIGHT have lost their way in the kitchen or NEVER known their way AROUND it in the first place. And just go, this is a thing you can do, you can do this, and if you want I can SHOW you how.

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Some people suggest that the PROBLEM is the separation of powers. If you had a parliamentary system, the struggle for power would not result in such COMPLEX PEACE treaties that EMPOWER so MANY different people to pursue so many contradictory aims.

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Ivanka Trump's declared mission to 'empower WOMEN who work' is a welcome element in the Trump administration. As a woman with a desk in the White HOUSE and the founder of an international corporation, she is certainly in a POSITION to IMPROVE the WAGES, safety, and quality of life of working women around the world.

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