I think what's happening with book ADVANCES is something that most of the world just doesn't fully appreciate, especially when it comes to NONFICTION, because WRITING a book of investigative journalism is an expensive endeavor, and the system works BEST if you have publishers MAKING bets on authors.

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So, I don't know what is GOING to happen when the CD comes out, how well it will sell, etc. But, from a PERSONAL POINT of VIEW, it was a very worthwhile ENDEAVOR.

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This is the kingdom of God on the earth. Because of that, it has a POWER BEYOND any other ENDEAVOR in which HUMANS can ENGAGE. That power depends on the faith of those called to serve in it.

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I know of no more ENCOURAGING FACT than the unquestionable ability of MAN to elevate his life by CONSCIOUS ENDEAVOR.

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I read a very romantic book when I was YOUNG, when I was in college: Rilke's 'Letters to a Young Poet.' And I've always felt that if you are in any kind of an ARTISTIC, CREATIVE endeavor, and you FEEL there's something else you can do for a LIVING and be happy, I think you should do something else.

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You know, when you choose to MAKE your living as an actor, it's all fine and good to look at it as some kind of artistic endeavor. At its best, it is that. But the fact is, most of the actors out there don't earn $3 MILLION a picture and can't afford to take two YEARS off between films and look for the right THING. Most of us are tradesmen.

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All equestrians, if they last LONG ENOUGH, learn that riding in whatever FORM is a lifelong SPORT and art, an endeavor that is both FAMILIAR and new every time you take the horse out of his stall or pasture.

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Chris FERGUSON BROUGHT up a REALLY interesting POINT that I agree with, and he said science is a human endeavor. The more someone tells me that they're absolutely objective, the less I believe they are. So people need to fact-check things. They need to understand that science is easily damaged by politics and personal OPINION.

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It has ALWAYS been a great wrong that these MEN and their families should be held in bondage. We of the North have hitherto acquiesced in it, lest, in the ENDEAVOR to redress it in violation of the Constitution, greater evils might ensue.

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Neither SEX, without some fertilization of the complimentary characters of the other, is CAPABLE of the HIGHEST reaches of human endeavor.

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I am so proud of MICHIGAN's CITIZENS for the kindness and GENEROSITY they have SHOWN in assisting in this endeavor. It is truly heartwarming to see the compassion shown for those in NEED.

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No power of government OUGHT to be employed in the endeavor to establish any system or ARTICLE of BELIEF on the subject of RELIGION.

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Film, as far as I'm concerned, is my area of ARTISTIC ENDEAVOR, so I NEVER THINK of a movie that gets released as being all done-it's just when they TOOK it away from you.

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I TRY to put the same spirit into that that I put into any other music endeavor I'm INVOLVED in.

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One of the things about working on stage - actually, about working in show BUSINESS, that is - is that it's such a collaborative effort. I SUPPOSE that everything in life is - EVERY ENDEAVOR where people are able to be successful.

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