That's your BEST FRIEND and your WORST ENEMY - your own BRAIN.

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The BEST WEAPON against an ENEMY is ANOTHER enemy.

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It's a great thing to be UNDERESTIMATED because it puts off your rival or enemy - they're not on their full GAME if they UNDERESTIMATE you.

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Our ENEMY is by TRADITION our SAVIOR, in PREVENTING US from superficiality.

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Your enemies LOVE your failures, sure. But what they love EVEN more is to see you brought so low by those failures that you never GET up again. SOMETIMES enemies aren't even external. Often, our biggest CRITIC, our greatest enemy, is ourselves.

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If people THINK nature is their FRIEND, then they sure don't need an enemy.

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In NORTH KOREA, we LEARNT all Americans are the ENEMY; they are not HUMAN.

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BASICALLY, Twitter can be your BEST FRIEND or your worst enemy, and I TRY to MAKE it my best friend and take it for what it is.
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I never WOULD WISH technology FAILING on any sort of OPPONENT or enemy.

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Keep yourself BUSY if you want to AVOID DEPRESSION. For me, inactivity is the enemy.

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A WISE WOMAN WISHES to be no one's enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone's victim.

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The IDEA is that that there is no such THING as an EXTERNAL ENEMY.

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SIZE is the ENEMY of excellence in INVESTMENT banking, particularly when you are TRYING to put together TWO different cultures.
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By 2003, if you didn't UNDERSTAND that the UNITED STATES was inflicting torture on those deemed ENEMY combatants, you weren't paying much attention.

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