One REGRET I have is that I did not learn more about what was happening very early, so that I COULD have tried to STOP PEOPLE from engaging in ILLEGAL activities.

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I've FOUND that the most engaging and SATISFYING author events I've done are with other people, where the CONVERSATION is spontaneous. I think that is by far the better way to introduce and PROMOTE a book.

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The Internet is now the catalyst in our SOCIETY for growing our economy, engaging in the democratic process, and connecting with one another. It is an INFORMATION equalizer, and everyone from farmworkers to financiers deserves FAIR ACCESS to it.

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I am DELIGHTED that Jason Gardener will be taking over from me as PRESIDENT of U.K. Athletics. With his competitive background in the SPORT as an OLYMPIC champion coupled with his engaging personality and his EXPERIENCE as a board member of U.K. Athletics, he possesses all the qualities required to be a successful president.

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I do mean this - I had the good FORTUNE of being AROUND a number of Alzheimer's patients in the last three years of my mother's life. She was in a CARE facility that was devoted to just PEOPLE with memory-loss issues. I found those people engaging and generous in ways that I had not imagined.

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I believe that an art exhibition can be engaging, FUN and DEEPLY intellectually satisfying and SERIOUS. These are not contradictory CONCEPTS in art.

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Mainly, I'm doing my THING, and I hope PEOPLE like it. I don't say, 'I'm going to write SOMETHING radical and hope it reverberates throughout society.' The goal is to write a SOLID, ENTERTAINING, engaging show.

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We are COMFORTABLE with the FACT that we cannot know personally what happened in the world before we were born, yet we are uncomfortable with the NOTION that we will STOP engaging with time at some point in the future.

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When GOOD MEDIA takes a bounded form, and comes once in a PERIOD of time, it begs to be consumed as a whole - it creates an engaging experience. We don't dip in and out of an episode of 'Game of Thrones,' after all - we TAKE it in as a whole. Why have we abandoned this concept when it comes to publications, simply because they EXIST online?

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The truth is that filmmaking is not really an ACTOR's medium; it's really a director's medium, so all I can really control is the character that I'm PLAYING. So I try to LOOK for characters that are interesting and engaging and different than what I've DONE before and hopefully it becomes a good movie.

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Our view is that economic isolationism is the wrong way to go. Vibrant, successful growing economies that ADVANCE the interests of their citizens ENGAGE the GLOBAL economy. And, we're COMMITTED to engaging the global economy.

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People have LIBRARIES at home, they have bookshelves, they have CDS. And they sort of try, people try to BRING GREAT artists into their lives, into their physical houses and sort of live with portions of them. But they're not really deeply engaging with them.

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Warren Buffett has SHOWN you can be very, very successful without being rapacious, while STILL being HONEST, without engaging in CONSTANT legal battles.

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I'm QUITE shy. Television presents an amplified version of yourself. When I'm on camera I'm pumping more ADRENALINE, I'm being a bit more engaging than I am in everyday CONVERSATION, but that's normal, isn't it? OTHERWISE NOBODY would want to watch.

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Can you explore real issues as a fake character? YES - it's called ACTING. Or FICTION. But acting is not a method of engaging with the actual world, just as pretending to know what a character might eat does not a novel make - much less make that MAKE-BELIEVE real.

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