How do we encourage a LOT more girls to pursue science, technology, and engineering careers? By casting droves of women in STEM jobs TODAY in MOVIES and on TV.

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I started out in engineering. I was a geophysical engineer. Throughout the course of my life I've done a LOT of STRANGE jobs, and the effect has been to MAKE me THINK a little more skeptically about our CAPITALIST society.

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On 'MythBusters,' a LOT of what we do does not fall into any category of things we have ever done before. There's a lot of problem solving to FIGURE out how to even approach a given problem. A background in SCIENCE or ENGINEERING helps a lot.

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FIRST CAREER I had right out of ENGINEERING SCHOOL was at Lucas film, not working in the movies but working in home theater.

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When Welwyn GARDEN CITY was planned, the workers homes were placed in the east, downwind from the factories in the MIDDLE, whilst the bosses got the LARGER westside homes in Handside. This sort of SOCIAL engineering, including the absence of a pub, would not be acceptable today.

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Shoes are by far the most complicated thing to BRING to market. It's not just design. You NEED ENGINEERING.

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I STUDIED JAZZ in college. I studied MUSIC history, and I have a DEGREE in music engineering.

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The HUMAN FOOT is a masterpiece of ENGINEERING and a work of art.

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Margaret Thatcher's decision to USE Scotland as a testing ground for the poll tax was arguably the most disastrous attempt at fiscal ENGINEERING SINCE London slapped the stamp tax on the AMERICAN COLONIES in the 1760s.

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My ORIGINAL plan was to GRADUATE HIGH school and MAJOR in computer engineering at college. That went out the WINDOW, and I said, 'I have to do something with speaking.'

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I received a BACHELOR's degree in MECHANICAL engineering, then graduated with a masters in NUCLEAR engineering.

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I would SAY that ENGINEERING has been a very positive experience overall, but usually coming into the situation it would be one of being UNDERESTIMATED. People would ACTUALLY have LOW expectations. But I would take advantage of it quite honestly, because I would take my time to underestimate the situation.

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I personally think there's GOING to be a greater demand in 10 YEARS for liberal arts majors than there were for programming majors and maybe even engineering, because when the data is all being spit out for you, options are being spit out for you, you need a DIFFERENT perspective in order to have a different view of the data.

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YEAH, so I have, like, a YouTube channel where I KIND of use my ENGINEERING background to make SORT of ridiculous THINGS.

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I was always fascinated by ENGINEERING. Maybe it was an attempt maybe to get my father's RESPECT or interest, or maybe it was just a genetic LOVE of technology, but I was always TRYING to build things.

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