College graduates WORK in every sector of the American economy, and the research ENGINES incubated WITHIN our universities generate a WEALTH of ideas and innovations that have an enormous impact on our lives.

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The infrastructure at Union Station is antiquated. High-speed is GOING to come in eventually. We need to UPGRADE that system. Every day the Metro comes in, the Amtrak comes in, and they idle their ENGINES for hours, spewing poisonous toxins - all that crap - into the AIR.

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China's Internet will continue to be policed and controlled, INFORMATION filtered, sites prohibited, noncompliant search engines excluded, and sensitive search words disallowed. And where China GOES, others, ALSO INFORMED by different values, are already and will follow.

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As CEO, I ACCEPT responsibility for the irregularities that have been found in diesel ENGINES and have therefore requested the Supervisory Board to agree on terminating my FUNCTION as CEO of the Volkswagen Group.

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I THINK the SEARCH engines are the new equivalent of PUBLISHING: an enabler of INFORMATION.

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I REMEMBER that, one day, I was visiting one training center in the 1990s that was teaching people how to FIX Volkswagen engines from the 1960s, which were no longer SOLD. So you were training people on a SKILL that had zero value. The reason is that they hadn't received any NEW equipment in 20 years.

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To outsource your memory to machines - which is what many of US do with regard to our use of search engines - seems to me to be fairly antithetical to the basic qualities of JEWISH life that have KEPT the Jews alive for so LONG.

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And I think that, GIVEN the opportunity, somebody could really learn a lot just being around me and the girls because it's really NONSTOP, 24/7 brainstorming and creativity and just trying to get organized and really pack a lot into a day - being there nonstop with all ENGINES blazing.

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In karting, you TURN up and drive, look at the data and go HOME. But I LIKE doing more, learning about the engines and how to MAKE them go even better.

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The invisible pieces of code that form the gears and cogs of the modern machine age, algorithms have given the world everything from social media feeds to SEARCH ENGINES and SATELLITE navigation to music RECOMMENDATION SYSTEMS.

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Eating breakfast revs our metabolic ENGINES so that they're READY for prime calorie BURN all DAY.

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Chance explorations on SEARCH engines do not 'accidentally' LEAD USERS to extremist WEBSITES.

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In New Hampshire, we KNOW that small businesses and entrepreneurs are the ENGINES of economic GROWTH in the 21st-century economy, and our state has long been DEFINED by the ENTREPRENEURIAL spirit of our people.

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Traditional horizontal search ENGINES cannot ALWAYS identify the target AUDIENCE, niche or vertical INDUSTRY of a page or site. Vertical search engines address this ISSUE by the nature of their design. They identify sites according to more specific criteria and sometimes even by human input.

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EVERYONE knows what search ENGINES are. But relatively few know how to USE them effectively.

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