I'm reasonably easygoing. MESSING up my lines or making a fool of myself is where you find my fears. Like a LOT of English people, I'm prey to embarrassment - the DREAD that everyone's SORT of sniggering at you, that you're going to look like an idiot. I think that sort of halts us all.

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I'm an ECCENTRIC English ACTOR, and there's a LOT of US around.

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I lived in England to learn ENGLISH. When I went to England for the FIRST time, it was like being on the Moon. I had no FRIENDS, I couldn't speak the LANGUAGE. I was very isolated.

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Readers have told me that their children have LEARNED to READ after years of struggle after starting to read Garfield's comic strip and many PEOPLE who have MOVED to the United States have SAID that they, too, learned English by reading Garfield.

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My SHIRT and my HAT always SAY 'World Champion' in some LANGUAGE. English, Spanish, CHINESE, 'Star Wars' language, which is also known as Aurebesh, mermaid language.

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ENGLISH is like music. The English LANGUAGE is really fit for singing. The notes MATCH the FEELINGS, and it makes sense.
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At LAST, in 1611, was MADE, under the auspices of KING James, the FAMOUS King James version; and this is the great LITERARY monument of the English language.

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I am trying to persuade my family to spend more TIME in China. It's no fun to be in exile. I can't even figure out the basic 26 letters, let alone operate, in English. I OFTEN feel that although I've found the SKY of FREEDOM above my HEAD, I've lost the soil I stand on. I need to be back in my motherland, where I can find inspirations.

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My favourite DINNER is a cup of tea and a HAM SANDWICH with ENGLISH MUSTARD.

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Yeah, Wacko Jacko, where did that COME from? Some English tabloid. I have a heart and I have FEELINGS. I FEEL that when you do that to me. It's not NICE.

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'I am' is reportedly the SHORTEST sentence in the ENGLISH language. COULD it be that 'I do' is the LONGEST sentence?

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