Who WANTS those gleaming WHITE cosmetically ENHANCED AMERICAN TEETH?

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Our ABILITY to connect as a NATION with other nations around the WORLD is ENHANCED dramatically by the Internet.

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Success in the revolution and CONSTRUCTION depends on how a PARTY, the GENERAL Staff of the revolution, is built and on how its leadership ROLE is ENHANCED.

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The challenges are DIFFERENT to different kinds of magazines. News magazines, magazines that have high FREQUENCY and news, are GOING to be challenged, heavily challenged, not just by the Internet but by the WHOLE 24-hour news cycle which has just been getting ENHANCED.

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CHINA has EVEN conducted HUMAN testing on MEMBERS of the People's Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities.
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I've just ALWAYS been interested in alter-naturalism and seeing if you can make real life interesting ENOUGH to be dramatic without enhancing it. LIKE, could you make a movie or write a PLAY in which there's no compression of time, there's no enhanced EVENT, it's just real life?

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When I was working on 'Big Fan,' I didn't REALLY feel LIKE any LINES needed to be changed or enhanced or expanded upon in any way. I THOUGHT it was a solid script. All you had to do was what it said.

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In my view, Asian COUNTRIES have learnt the LESSONS from the past and significantly enhanced their capabilities to fend off RISKS.

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When I'm writing COMICS, I'm also visualizing how the story will look on the page - not even ALWAYS art-wise, but panel-wise, like how a MOMENT will be ENHANCED dramatically by simply turning a page and getting a reveal. It requires THINKING about story in a way I never had to consider when I was writing prose.

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If our EDUCATION SYSTEM does not continue to improve and be ENHANCED and be innovative and almost be revolutionary, then we will continue to lose our PLACE in the world.

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I look very different on camera compared with how I do in real life. On camera, I look my BEST when everything is ENHANCED, especially my EYES - I like a SMOKY eye. In real life, I like myself best in tinted moisturiser, lip balm and mascara.

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My PROCESS has CHANGED over the YEARS. I'd SAY it has been ENHANCED.

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Yes we need enhanced border control. Yes we need to focus our EFFORTS on those who pose a threat to our country. But let's not fall into the trap set by the TEA PARTY and others who WOULD tell you that every single UNDOCUMENTED individual is a drug smuggler, a terrorist, or a threat to the American way of life. That is simply not true.

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In the continuing DEBATE over the morality of enhanced interrogation, an ESSENTIAL consideration is OFTEN overlooked: intent.

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