I FOUND that laughter was a FORM of ACCEPTANCE, and I really enjoyed that and I just - I CRAVE it.

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In Tunisia, where women have long enjoyed greater rights than many of their Arab neighbors, women pushed for and won a NEW electoral CODE that guarantees women will MAKE up half of a candidates' LIST for office.

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LOVE is an EMOTION experienced by the MANY and ENJOYED by the few.
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Ah, the Wrecking CREW! They played on everything that came out of L.A. Oh, that was a good band. You REALLY enjoyed GOING to work. You played for EVERYONE; it didn't matter what it was.

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Jack Kennedy very much ENJOYED Fletcher Knebel's thriller 'Seven Days in MAY,' later a film. The story: a jingo based on the real-life Admiral Arthur Radford plans a MILITARY coup to TAKE over the White HOUSE.

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I have been a HUGE fan of America, as I find their WAY of LIFE there is pretty unique, and I have enjoyed a lot of GOOD times over there.

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It's a wonderful CITY and every AMERICAN has ENJOYED NEW Orleans in one way or the other.

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I've ALWAYS ENJOYED painting, but I went to TEACH in SCHOOLS in Zimbabwe INSTEAD.

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As a CHILD, my sister and I had very FRUITFUL imaginations, and I would think that I wanted to be one profession or I'd want to have this EXPERIENCE in life. I realized it's not because I actually wanted to be a Coast Guard helicopter rescue PILOT or something like that - I just enjoyed the idea of PLAYING it.

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For many YEARS I enjoyed the PLEASURE of cruising on my yacht all summer long and these were my best holidays. In mid-May, we'd start in St Tropez. I'd COLLECT my bikinis from my home there and then we'd go up to Cannes for the FILM Festival, on to Monte Carlo for the Grand Prix and then to Italy.

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One of my favourite Donald Byrd tracks is 'Think Twice,' and I didn't WANT to SAMPLE it. I've ALWAYS enjoyed when other people have sampled it, so I wanted to instead of making a beat with it or SOMETHING like that, or freak the beat of whatever. I wanted to just RECREATE it in my own way, like how I heard it.

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Adult actors are really CHILDISH, and that's nice to be around when you're a kid. So the BIG reason I wanted to be an actor was I really enjoyed actors' COMPANY - which probably makes me about as SHALLOW as a puddle. But it could be worse. I could be working for a living.

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I'm a purist, and I love the sport. I loved the '60s and '70s, when the fans EVEN ENJOYED the races where only FOUR cars FINISHED, and they were TWO laps apart.

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The way I look at the WORLD, if you can't find a way to get something good out of the experience, then you have lived an UNHAPPY life. All the actors I have WORKED with, SUPERSTARS or OTHERWISE, I have enjoyed.

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There was DEFINITELY no time in GRADES 11 and 12 to do any other sports. That was one downside; I really ENJOYED PLAYING other sports.

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