What I remember most about the 'Road' movies is my ENJOYMENT at watching the two CHARACTERS sparring with each other. But more important than that was my FEELING that Hope and Crosby were ENJOYING the sparring, too.

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During the Samuel Johnson DAYS they had big men ENJOYING small talk; TODAY we have small men enjoying big talk.

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I was a child with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and remember ENJOYING all of my courses ALMOST equally. When it came TIME at the end of my high school career to CHOOSE a major in which to SPECIALIZE, I was in a quandary.

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I'm amazed. When I was 40, I thought I'd never MAKE 50. And at 50 I thought the frosting on the CAKE would be 60. At 60, I was STILL going strong and ENJOYING EVERYTHING.

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To be able to GO to place where FRIENDS and family FLY in to watch me play, having LOTS of home support and ENJOYING Dubai, is always great fun.

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I've been ACTING SINCE age 8. I just stopped ENJOYING it as MUCH as I used to.

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When human beings stop progressing at an endeavor, they stop ENJOYING it and MOVE on to SOMETHING else. Not golfers. Masochists, all of them.

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I saw myself as a trailblazer in the 1980s as a female LAWYER in the City. It was exciting, as women were outnumbered by men FIVE to one. But while I had this SENSE of trailblazing, in reality, I wasn't pushing boundaries; it was just a personal MYTH I'd CREATED, as I was doing a job I wasn't enjoying.

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I was TRYING to do too MANY things at the same time, which is my nature. But I was ENJOYING it, and I STILL do ENJOY it.

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Being a BAPTIST won't KEEP you from sinning, but it'll sure as HELL keep you from ENJOYING it.

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I'm ENJOYING my LIFE as a FIGHTER, but more as a HUMAN and this is what MATTERS.

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There are essentially two main REASONS to hold a phone up at a show. First, to CAPTURE a memory for yourself, a reminder of the moment you're ENJOYING. And second, to SHARE that moment with someone - to express your emotions socially. Both seem perfectly LEGITIMATE to me.

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What rock n' roll was supposed to be about was GETTING loose, enjoying it, going a LITTLE CRAZY, and not caring how you ACT or dress.

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My GREAT love is my HOME county of Cornwall, I love to sit and watch people ENJOYING themselves on the beaches and in the harbour towns of Cornwall.

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