There's no JUDGMENT on bands that continue on who aren't POPULAR; some PEOPLE GET ENJOYMENT out of it. I'm just not one of those people.

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The players can associate playing for England with enjoyment, fun, and not being under siege and feeling EVERYTHING is against them. There's an ENERGY and a CONNECTION back. That's important in the short, mid, and LONG term as WELL.

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When you're a KID FOOTBALL is, and should be, sheer ENJOYMENT.

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I used to RUN the band HOCKEY POOL - regular season and playoffs. I would write weekly REPORTS, which were meant to demoralize and diffuse enjoyment for others.

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What it all boils down to for me is having the ENTHUSIASM to do SOMETHING for ENJOYMENT and being stimulated by what's AROUND you. That's what PHOTOGRAPHY does for me.

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In the EAST, the main object is to have a well-ORDERED society so that everybody can have maximum enjoyment of his freedoms. This freedom can only exist in an ordered STATE and not in a NATURAL state of contention and ANARCHY.

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I've spoken to people who have retired once they lost the enjoyment of a long DAY in the field or GOING to the gym. If I LOSE that, it's time to go.

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I have ALWAYS SAID and FELT that TRUE ENJOYMENT can not be described.

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WELL, when I'm out running, people don't recognize me, which is great. I don't FEEL pressure; I'm not out to beat anybody or HIT a certain TIME. I just do it for the enjoyment of it. I'm doing it for myself.

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Football is not about suffering. It's about enjoyment. CONTROL the BALL, be FRIENDLY with it, TRY to attack, try to score goals. Of COURSE defending is part of it, but you can defend in a lot of ways.

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As I've got older, I've really had to dig deep and find where my happiness comes from. Why do I PLAY TENNIS? You get a lot of incredible highs, but it can be very lonely with some dark LOWS. So the biggest thing I've learned is finding the reasons for my enjoyment.

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I believe the RIGHT QUESTION to ASK, respecting all ornament, is SIMPLY this; was it done with enjoyment, was the carver happy while he was about it?

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It took me several YEARS to FIGURE out who I am and a few more to ACCEPT what I discovered. Now, I'm in the enjoyment stage of that PROCESS and it's a HAPPY place.

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STAYING FIT is all about TRYING to FIND enjoyment in something physical, because that's the only way you're gonna get results.

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