I'm more and more FASCINATED in my own WORK. I work from 10 A.M. until about 9 P.M., but it's not an OBSESSION, it's a pleasure. There's never ENOUGH time.

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It's very trying on a marriage when you're doing a one hour SHOW, WEEK after week after week. You don't have enough time for PEOPLE that MAYBE you should have top PRIORITY.

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I THINK that, in all of my TIME, I GOT just one FAN LETTER, from an NFL fullback named Darian Barnes. NFL players might not have enough time for my books.

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I prepared my INTERVENTION the night before I spoke. As it happened, there were about 44 cardinals who WISHED to speak but could not because there was not enough time. I was one of the LAST to speak.

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They SAY that Salt Lake is a great place to raise a family - and I know that SOUNDS like something PEOPLE just say. But you spend enough TIME here... and you realize that it's true.

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I THINK it is important to GIVE your PARTNER enough TIME in a relationship.

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Philanthropic DOLLARS are PRECIOUS RESOURCES, so it's our RESPONSIBILITY to CONSIDER how we use them carefully. Yet few of us spend enough time doing so.

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You SPEND ENOUGH time on set as an actor and it's great when a director was at some point an actor or UNDERSTANDS acting. They're ABLE to finesse performances out of you that a lot directors can't get.

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A 'harmonized' life these days sounds LIKE a tall order. Between housework, homework, workwork, and busywork, there are perpetually too many things to do, and not enough TIME to find that mythical BALANCE. NOTHING is more frustrating than feeling like you're doing doing doing but getting nothing truly done that you really want.

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'Transformers' gives people the ability to relax and rest for THREE hours. That's a substantial AMOUNT of time, GIVEN how plugged in to our devices we are. People don't give themselves ENOUGH time to sit down. They're no longer comfortable with themselves.

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No MOVIE has ever got enough time. It doesn't MATTER how MUCH MONEY you've got, and it doesn't matter how much money you've not got. You never finish on time. You're always up against it and you're always working up until the END.

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For a very long time, I WROTE a book a year, and was eager and WILLING to do it, to put bread on the table, to have my work out there. Now I MUST write a book EVERY two years, and that's never ENOUGH time, either.

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It all has to do with ART - WRITING, painting, things I've done for a LONG time but just NEVER had enough time to pursue. I have poetry - things that are designed for songs, but they're always POEMS first.

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I'm a JEWISH SON of Russian-Hungarian HERITAGE parents. Humor was very important. My whole goal was to make my parents laugh. And my whole strategy as a young man was, if I could make them laugh, I could have enough TIME to figure out what to do next.

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