Internationally, I propose the radical step of not TRYING to solve complex political problems with 1,000lb bombs; domestically, I propose they start addressing inequality by paying reparations for SLAVERY. I'm WELL aware that in a society where war and discrimination are now almost entirely normalised, both OPTIONS sound LIKE madness.

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When the dollar was separated ENTIRELY from gold in 1971, it ceased being the official IMF world currency and FINALLY had to COMPETE with other currencies... From that point forward, its VALUE increasingly became discounted.

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The only way I WOULD GO BACK to hosting would be if it were something entirely NEW. It would prevent me from wanting to host a standard-fare kind of talk SHOW.

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The PERFECT LOVE AFFAIR is one which is conducted ENTIRELY by POST.

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Man is an EXCEPTION, WHATEVER else he is. If he is not the image of GOD, then he is a disease of the dust. If it is not TRUE that a DIVINE being fell, then we can only say that one of the animals went entirely off its head.

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Once I PLANNED to write a book of poems entirely about the things in my pocket. But I found it would be too LONG; and the AGE of the great epics is PAST.

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I'm not sure when EXACTLY it started to become the fashion in Westminster to skim-read documents, only bother with BULLET points or, worse, to take them ENTIRELY on trust - but that, perhaps, was when we BEGAN as a country to LOSE our way.

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BEETHOVEN's reputation is based entirely on gossip. The middle Beethoven REPRESENTS a supreme example of a COMPOSER on an ego TRIP.

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Penal law was not created by the COMMON PEOPLE, nor by the peasantry, nor by the PROLETARIAT, but entirely by the bourgeoisie as an IMPORTANT tactical weapon in this system of divisions which they wished to INTRODUCE.

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I REMEMBER I had an aunt that lived in a HOUSE that had this beautiful ceramic wall that was entirely a painting of a PEACOCK.

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Years ago, there was one Asian PERSON in a soap and the ENTIRE Asian acting community was going for that role. Now, you can find a few different Asian people, and their CHARACTER isn't ENTIRELY based on their religion or culture: they just happen to be in a soap.

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What PEOPLE SAY, what people do, and what they say they do are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT THINGS.

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PhotoDisc is an ENTIRELY DIGITAL PROVIDER in both CD-ROM and the INTERNET. Getty was PRIMARILY an analog distributor.

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A HUSBAND who submits to his wife's yoke is justly held an OBJECT of ridicule. A WOMAN's influence ought to be entirely concealed.

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We are on the forefront of a revolution in which identity and expression will take PRIORITY over the LABELS assigned to US at birth; in which self-identification will take priority over perception; in which GENDER will fall AWAY entirely.

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