You can't have VIRTUE without sin. What I'm after is having my CHARACTERS' VIRTUES defined by how they operate in a very sinful environment. That's how you TEST PEOPLE.

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It's about the STORIES. If I WRITE 14 stories that I love, then the next step is to get the environment of music around it to best envelop the STORY, and all KINDS of sonic goodness - sonic GOODIES.

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I mean, what is racism? Racism is a projection of our own fears onto another person. What is sexism? It's our own VULNERABILITY about our potency and MASCULINITY projected as our need to subjugate another person, you KNOW? FASCISM, the same thing: People are trying to untidy our state, so I legislate as a way of CONTROLLING my environment.

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We live in this miraculous technological ENVIRONMENT, and yet our HUMAN behaviour is STILL governed by basic impulses from prehistoric times.

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Government does not create wealth. The major ROLE for the government is to create an ENVIRONMENT where PEOPLE take risks to expand the job RATE in the United STATES.

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It's not just the effect of TECHNOLOGY on the environment, on religion, on the economic structure, on SOCIETY, on POLITICS, etc. It's that everything now exists in technology to the point where technology is the NEW and comprehensive host of nature of LIFE.

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Like everybody I needed to learn to be a coach, I needed to practise that and make MISTAKES in a decent ENVIRONMENT where I could DEVELOP myself and not FEAR I was going to lose my job.

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HIP-HOP is a worldwide culture. We have permeated EVERY URBAN ENVIRONMENT.
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Once you DEVELOP your own style, you KNOW when you're able to give your best. FEELING at home is part of it, and I don't think that's an L.A. thing. It's a matter of the ENVIRONMENT and of what affects you.

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NATURE FAVORS those organisms which LEAVE the environment in better SHAPE for their progeny to survive.
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Everyone is SLOWLY CATCHING on to this one - and I know everyone says this - but we need to MAKE a little more EFFORT with the environment. Everyone says they turn off their lights, but do they really?

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He wasn't REALLY Method but he believed that when you did a role there were lots of THINGS you could do with your co-star in order to create the right environment. You known, if you were supposed to be in love, to create that FEELING between the TWO of you.

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I HOPE that EVERYONE has the opportunity, whatever their work environment may be, to be SURROUNDED by PEOPLE that they RESPECT and are inspired by.

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