How can our hearts not BREAK? How can we hold our TEARS? How can we bear the pain of losing those loving children and their guardians, who were slain in Newtown, Conn.? Why can't we face the reality of our TIMES and restrict deranged people from having these destructive powers?

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I don't know the taxpayer has PERHAPS much of an understanding of just how much WEALTH has been and is being and can be created that flows through the economy and just how MANY jobs depend upon it.

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I grew up believing in meritocracy and the American DREAM. My PARENTS CAME here from India. They had no CONNECTIONS. My brother and I went to public schools, and both of US succeeded.

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It is LIKE our FOREIGN policy has ATTENTION DEFICIT disorder.

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Growing up during the Cold War, I remember the seemingly imminent threat of nuclear war. In primary school we were taught to 'duck-and-cover' for PROTECTION. But EVEN as CHILDREN hiding under wooden desks, we recognized the inadequacies of this STRATEGY.

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You cannot make easy DECISIONS UNLESS you first commit yourself to HARD solutions.

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We are SEARCHING for some KIND of harmony between two intangibles: a form which we have not yet DESIGNED and a CONTEXT which we cannot properly DESCRIBE.

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I had no idea that I WOULD EVER get involved with something like lending money to POOR people, GIVEN the circumstances in which I was WORKING in Bangladesh.

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Race and CLASS are extremely reliable indicators as to where one might find the GOOD stuff, LIKE parks and trees, and where one might find the bad stuff, like POWER plants and WASTE facilities.

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BIRDS have wings; they're free; they can fly where they WANT when they want. They have the KIND of MOBILITY MANY people envy.
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I have been a BELIEVER in the MAGIC of LANGUAGE since, at a very EARLY age, I discovered that some words got me into trouble and OTHERS got me out.

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The muscular, ATHLETIC TYPE is not representative of the HUMAN RACE, who are varied in their PHYSIQUE.

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What's been IMPORTANT with Flickr is the community that's been there from the beginning and the serious PHOTOGRAPHERS that are there creating and SHARING great content. If we lose that at some point then I think we have POTENTIAL issues, but so far we've been ABLE to do a really good job of maintaining that.

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