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I'm pretty rubbish, as we SAY in Britain, artwise, and I always ENVY people who can pick up SOMETHING and even do just a little doodle of someone that looks vaguely like them. It's IMPRESSIVE.

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The building of America has had its FAIR share of mistakes, but it's a CONSTITUTION that's the JEWEL of DEMOCRACY, the envy of many, and it's the most generous nation in the WORLD.

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By common CONSENT GRAY hairs are a CROWN of glory; the only OBJECT of respect that can NEVER excite envy.

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WORTH BEGETS in BASE minds, ENVY; in GREAT souls, emulation.

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You can say I had a severe case of 'Roots' envy. I wanted to be like Alex Haley, and I wanted to be ABLE to... do my FAMILY tree back to the slave ship and then reverse the MIDDLE Passage, as I like to put it, and find the tribe or ethnic GROUP that I was from in Africa.

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I ENVY POETS because NOBODY ever asks them if it's true or FALSE.

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Great WRITING fills me with HOPEFUL ENTHUSIASM and never ENVY.

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I have never been GIVEN to envy - save for the envy I FEEL toward those PEOPLE who have the ability to make a MARRIAGE work and ENDURE happily.

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Mum and I have always been close. Her adoptive parents DIED when she was 18, and she doesn't have any other kids, so I'm her only family. She LIVES LIFE to the full, and I envy her vitality. She has PINK HAIR and is a younger spirit than me.

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WHETHER couched in terms of envy, admiration, or derision, celebrity FASCINATION begins as an exercise in IMAGINING what it WOULD be like to lead a more carefree and pleasurable life.

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ENVY, my son, WEARS herself AWAY, and droops like a lamb under the influence of the EVIL eye.

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I don't ENVY the job of people who have to WATCH FIVE movies a day - that's insane.

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YEAH, I think when you don't make it to the playoffs and you're watching those GAMES, I think there's envy in every GAME you watch.

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I envy those WRITERS who outline their novels, who know where they're GOING. But I FIND WRITING is a process of discovery.

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