I was 17 years OLD when I built the first STORE... A very simple, basic store with a basic counter - not very MUCH equipment, all purchased second-hand. And the MENU was very simple.

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Other than ADVANCES in technology and equipment, making a movie is the same as it was when I STARTED, at LEAST. I don't go back to the SILENT era.

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I like to be able to come and go as I please, and I don't really like having my face and name plastered around. I think it's a bit WEIRD to have your name plastered on every PAGE in a magazine, where in each case you're using a DIFFERENT PIECE of equipment.

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The older kids, if they wanted something from you, whether it was cash or sports equipment, they would just take it. My older BROTHERS used to say, 'If someone TRIES to take something from you, never give it to them.' So we FOUGHT all the TIME.

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Can ANYBODY be GIVEN a great degree of CREATIVITY? No. They can be given the equipment to develop it-if they have it in them in the FIRST PLACE.

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We have a LOT of meatpacking PLANTS in the state of KANSAS. We need that personal protection equipment so that those folks can continue to do their jobs and continue to FEED the nation.

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It's PART of my nature. I get EXCITED when TRYING out new STUFF, whether it be an idea or equipment. It stimulates my juices.

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My observations of Japanese naval FIGHTING MEN, their ABILITIES and equipment led me to BELIEVE that they gave a better ACCOUNT of themselves than we did.

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This could be done in PART, because the equipment was very inexpensive. Not MUCH money was INVOLVED in tooling so that basic changes of that type could be ACCOMPLISHED.

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Then I got a gig with an OLDER friend who had the equipment and he played in this bar. They would bring me in the bar through the backdoor and I would DJ in the back ROOM most of the night. Then they'd take me out the backdoor, so I was never REALLY in the bar.

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I didn't have the equipment for the regular WORLD of being a lawyer. I didn't have the IMAGINATION for that. I did have a funny kind of ambition, but I didn't know where to put it.

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I had half my family that were FARMERS, and I was really PRETTY good at repairing FARM equipment. There was certainly a PERIOD of time where I WOULD have been happy to do that, just to be a farm equipment repairman in Dalemead, Alberta.

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FILMMAKING, at the end of the day, is really - in addition to the story and all of the equipment and the actors, it's really about TIME MANAGEMENT. And so the smartest filmmakers are the ones who sort of pre-visualize the film in their head and are LITERALLY shooting the shots they need to cut the story together.
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That gets me upset- you're jamming along, checking out the CROWD and having a good TIME, and then your equipment GOES down. You can't just stop the show and say, 'Oh, Jeff's GOT a guitar problem.'

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Once I was unemployed and didn't have money, you can't just GO to dinner. The onus is on you to learn to cook... I LEARNED how IMPORTANT the RIGHT equipment is.

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