There is nothing besides a SPIRITUAL world; what we call the world of the SENSES is the Evil in the spiritual world, and what we call Evil is only the NECESSITY of a MOMENT in our eternal evolution.

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I SOMETIMES think that the price of liberty is not so MUCH eternal VIGILANCE as eternal DIRT.

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The purpose of God's creations and of His giving us LIFE is to ALLOW us to have the LEARNING experience NECESSARY for us to come back to Him, to live with Him in eternal life.

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The FAMILY unit is fundamental not only to society and to the CHURCH, but to our HOPE for ETERNAL life.

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DEATH is not the END; it is but one more step in a great forward march made possible by the REDEMPTION wrought by the Savior. This is the SPIRIT of true SCIENCE - constant and eternal seeking.

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The SPIRIT of the Holy Ghost is the teacher in the temple. He teaches principles of eternal significance. It is during these instructions that we see the RELATIONSHIP between the earthly and the eternal. We MUST REMEMBER that the Spirit teaches only those who are teachable.

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DEATH is frightening, and so is ETERNAL LIFE.

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The best people renounce all for one GOAL, the ETERNAL fame of mortals; but most people STUFF themselves LIKE cattle.

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When trying to remember my share in the GLOW of the eternal present, in the smile of God, I RETURN to my childhood, too, for that is where the most SIGNIFICANT DISCOVERIES turn up.

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Jesus means LIFE to me. Jesus is our savior. When I think about Jesus, I think about the sacrifice He made so that we may have ETERNAL life. I can CERTAINLY TELL you I'm not afraid to die, and I certainly have a peace about my life.

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We are children of the ETERNITY: But this world is an out-birth out of the eternal; and its palpability taketh its original in the ANGER; the eternal NATURE is its ROOT.

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Sanity is SURELY not about normality in the statistical SENSE: it is about an ETERNAL and natural idea of the healthy PERSONALITY - which indeed MAY be a rare achievement.

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I'm on this ETERNAL quest to get the best guitar sound in the world, but my vision of what is 'the best' changes every time I go into the STUDIO. SOMETIMES my GOAL is to make my guitar jump out, and sometimes I want it to lay BACK.

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A lot of PEOPLE like the idea of eternal LOVE and eternal romance. The NOTION of love that is more PROFOUND and DEEPER because it is eternal is very powerful.

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