Consequently, I won just about everything I SET out to WIN, everything BAR the WORLD Cup, of COURSE. But even now, I don't regret that, because I was part of a team which twice reached the semi-finals.
I ALWAYS knew I wanted to make MOVIESSINCE I was around eleven. I never THOUGHT of it as wanting to do straight-up comedy. Even now, I don't SEE things in terms of genre.
It STILL amazes me, when I GO out and fly the T-38, and I'm looking at those little, short, skinny little wings, and that THING's FLYING. It's just AMAZING to me, even now.
OH, I had, 'No one will EVER fancy me!' I had that well into my teens. Even now I do not consider myself to be some KIND of great, sexy BEAUTY. I don't mind the way I'm ageing. No REASON to panic just yet. I think I look my age, and that's fine.
It's an OPENSECRET: Even now, in the 21st CENTURY, Korean executives often consult spiritual advisers before MAKING major BUSINESS decisions - decisions that can affect their employees around the world.